Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Electronic Spectroscopy NMR
Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Isotope Natural % Abundance Spin (I) Magnetic Moment (μ)* Magnetogyric Ratio (γ) † 1H1H / H2H , B81.173/ , C1.1081/ , N0.371/ , O0.0375/ , F100.01/ , Si4.7001/ , P100.01/ ,840 * μ in units of nuclear magnetons = JT -1 † γ in units of 10 7 rad T -1 sec -1 μ = γ I
Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Nuclear Spins in B 0 E = - μ.B 0 ΔE = γB 0 h/2π
Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Values for H atom Applied field strength of 7.05T – 1 H is approximately J/mol, which corresponds to a frequency of 300 MHz – 13 C is approximately J/mol, which corresponds to a frequency of 75MHz
Powerpoint Templates Page 5 ω = γB 0 Larmour frequency
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Powerpoint Templates Page 7 For 2.35 T (= 100 MHz) and 300 K one gets for 1H a population difference N(α) - N(β) of ca
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Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Spin Lattice Relaxation
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Powerpoint Templates Page 13 Chemical shift
Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Chemical shift (δ): Chemical shift (δ): The shift in ppm of an NMR signal from the signal of TMS
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Powerpoint Templates Page 21 Direct Coupling 1 J
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Powerpoint Templates Page 23 Geminal Coupling 2 J diastereotopic
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Powerpoint Templates Page 25 Vicinal Coupling 3 J Atoms three bonds apart, the coupling is called vicinal coupling