Spelling- Polishmotionofficialmission Practice Book page 9
Essential Questions 1) What is author’s viewpoint? 2) Can you identify examples of the author’s bias and assumptions?
Comprehension Skill- Author’s Viewpoint: Bias and Assumption Author’s Viewpoint- reflects the author’s attitude, values, or assumptions about the topic. **Assumption- something that is taken for granted as being true. **Bias- a strong feeling for or against something (positive bias or negative bias) The author may be neutral or not take a side Worksheets for guided practice.
Teacher Read Aloud “The Remarkable Voyages of Zheng He” Pages 359 A-B 1) How does including Zheng He in the list of famous explorers show how the author feels about the Chinese Explorer? 2) What does the sentence “He was by far the greatest navigator of his day” tell you about a possible author’s bias? 3) What information does the author include that shows that not everyone thought Zheng He was a great explorer.
Vocabulary 1) adorned- decorated 2) causeways- raised roadways across water or marshlands. 3) conquered- defeated in battle 4) empire- a large area made up of many territories under one government 5) intricate- complicated; made up of many details 6) metropolis- a major city; a center of culture 7) momentous-extremely important 8) sites- places where things are located 9) tributes- gifts given to those in power by people who have been defeated or who want protection.
Practice Book page #4