The Reformation. Causes of the Reformation The Renaissance emphasis on secularism and individualism challenged church authority. The printing press spread.


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Presentation transcript:

The Reformation

Causes of the Reformation The Renaissance emphasis on secularism and individualism challenged church authority. The printing press spread secular ideas. The pope was trying to control the rulers, and the rulers did not like this (people didn’t know who to listen to).

Problems in the Catholic Church People said the church leaders were very corrupt. Popes were too busy pursuing worldly affairs (fighting wars, living extravagantly) Popes were breaking their vows to the church (gambling, marrying, etc.)

Early calls for reform People said: – Popes and church officials should be held to a higher standard. – The Bible had more authority than the church. **Reformers (people who believed this) were put on trial for heresy and banished.

The Printing Press In 1440, German craftsman Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press. The printing press – A machine that presses paper against a tray full of inked, movable type – changed Europe forever. Movable type invented by Chinese 400 years earlier, but was impractical

In 1455, the first full-size book was printed….The Gutenberg Bible!

The Effects of the Printing Press More books Cheaper books Ideas spread Literacy rises People interpret Bible for themselves People become critical of priests People demand religious reform

Martin luther Martin Luther was a German monk and professor He disagreed with the selling of indulgences – pardons from sin that were purchased from Church officials Luther did not think you could buy your way into Heaven.

In 1517, Luther wrote 95 Theses attacking the sale of indulgences and posted them on a Church door Theses were copied on the printing press Luther’s work started the REFORMATION - A movement for religious reform

Protestantism Spreads Luther’s followers became known as Lutherans Eventually, Christians who were not Catholic became known as Protestant. There were differences between Protestant and Catholic beliefs and leadership. Today, ¼ of all Christians are Protestant.

In 1529, Henry VIII - King of England declared England Protestant. Did it for personal, not religious, reasons

Christian Church Eastern OrthodoxRoman Catholic Protestant Anglican Puritan, Methodist, Episcopal, Baptist, Quaker Calvinist Presbyterian, Reformed Church Lutheran Anabaptist Mennonite, Amish Roman Catholic