* Content Area: Social Studies * Grade Level: 2 nd Grade * Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to inform the students on the main points of each different culture. * Learning Objective: Given a computer to access to the internet, the student will be able to work through the PowerPoint by reading through the information and clicking on the links. * State or Common Core ISTE Standard: 2.1 Compare the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the varied cultures re[presented in the United States by researching informational texts.
* * They were a war-like group * They had a very advanced system for writing and keeping records * Would often sell their own children into slavery * Loved to sculpt and create pottery * Built an elaborate capital (Tenochtitlan)
* * They had over 30 closely related languages and dialect * Developed their own writing system including hieroglyphs * Mayan had a functional agriculture system, but also independent city-states * Mayans practiced human sacrifice for religious and medical reasons.
* olmecs.php olmecs.php * They had Gods * They had a rich religion * They were the first major Mesoamerican culture * They were extremely talented artists and sculptors * Much of their culture has been lost
* Of the 120 mounds built, only 80 remain * Built A.D * One of 21 World Heritage Sites located in the United States * Platform mounds had buildings on top; conical mounds used as burial sites. * Population 10,000-20,000 at the peak of civilization.
* * Inca nobles were considered the top of the social class * Most of the Incan communication was in the form of hieroglyphs. * The Inca empire ran 3,000 miles along the crest of the Andes Mountain. * The Inca cut irrigation terraces into the mountain sides and raised crops. * The Inca Empire has one of the largest pre-industrial road and highway systems in the world.
* Lets take a quiz and see what you have learned! Click me to go to next slide
* Which culture had a rich religion? A. Mayans Mayans B. Olmecs Olmecs C. Aztecs Aztecs D. Incas Incas
* Which Culture was a war- like group? A. Mayans Mayans B. Aztecs Aztecs C. Cahokia Cahokia D. Incas Incas
* This empire ran 3,000 miles along the crest of the Andes Mountains. A. Olmecs Olmecs B. Incas Incas C. Aztecs Aztecs D. Cahokia Cahokia
* In this lesson, the students have learned about the five major culture groups. There were three hyperlinks to websites that furthered the students knowledge one one particular culture group. * The students then took a small quiz to access their knowledge on the content to see if the students have mastered the lesson.