Grade 1 Open House Taipei American School
Agenda Introductions Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Reporting to Parents Bits and Pieces Gathering in Library
The First Grade Team Alison White Susan Chen (ESL) Leslie Abernethy (ESL) Kim Carter Laura Walter Tamara Brantingham Amanda Jacob Scott Middleton Gloria and Yen-Ling (Aides)
Language Arts- A Balanced Literacy Program Reading Writing Speaking and Listening
Language Arts Listening to classmates and teachers Speaking in front of others Small and large group discussions Sing-a-long Sharing thinking and work Speaking and Listening in the First Grade include:
Language Arts Reading in the First Grade Classroom includes: Read Alouds Shared Reading Literature Response Reading Workshop
Language Arts Mini-Lessons Independent Reading Guided Reading Reading Conferences Partner Reading The Reading Workshop
Language Arts Reading in the First Grade Classroom includes: Home Reading Just-right Books
Writing in the first grade classroom includes: Writing Workshop Interactive Writing Word Work Handwriting Language Arts
The Writing Workshop Independent Writing Individual Conferences Small Group Lessons Mini-Lessons
Language Arts The Writing Workshop Sharing Publishing
Language Arts Interactive writing in the first grade classroom includes: Cooperative drafting of text Practice applying skills learned in word study work Opportunities to learn about punctuation and grammar Readable texts
Language Arts Word work in the first grade classroom includes: Stretching out words Word walls and high frequency words Patterns and rules Applying knowledge to daily reading and writing
Language Arts Handwriting in the first grade classroom focuses on: Correct letter formation Upper/lower case letters
IT Integration Technology is used as a tool to support curriculum goals.
Math Everyday Mathematics Operations and Computation Numeration Patterns, Functions and Algebra Data and Chance Measurement Geometry
Math Components of the Math Program Journal I and II Math boxes - review of concepts Partner Games Explorations Home Links
Math Home Links Promote family involvement Encourage communication of math concepts Provide students with a review of concepts covered in class
Social Studies and Science: Integrated Studies Major themes: All About Me Balance and Motion Fairy Tales Plants Neighborhood Insects
Class Meetings Create a sense of community Teach problem solving strategies
Reporting to Parents Portfolios/Activity Based Conferences- October and March Report Cards- December and June Teachers are available anytime by appointment
Bits and Pieces Grade level communication Independence Homework Cafeteria - menu Recess and snack
Bits and Pieces Volunteers Room parent Birthdays Celebrations
Childhood is a journey, not a race!