1 Using Assessment to Inform Instruction EDC 448 Session 7 Diane Kern University of Rhode Island
2 “Any teenager would rather be perceived as lazy than stupid” p. 103 What is your response to this quote from Tovani? What is your view of evaluation as compared to assessment? What is the difference? How do you plan to highlight your students’ strengths rather than their deficits? In your classroom? In your lesson plan for this course?
3 What we’ll do tonight Share your lesson plan Share practical ways to use assessment to inform instruction (in our lesson plans and beyond) Conference assignment questions and support Discuss Midterm Exam
4 Backwards Design for lesson planning… What do students need to know? How will assess student learning? Plan it!
5 Assessing thinking strategies Need multiple assessments, such as… Class charts-goal driven Conversation calendars (page 109) Reading response logs “Sticky Notes” Work samples--including graphic organizers Quick conferences (perhaps the best, but how do I find the time?) Testing, quizzes, essays
Common Core State Standards and the changing world of assessment ELA and Mathematics standards…elections, comets and CCSS RI is a governing state redesigning the high-stakes assessment system PARCC…URI Today 3 years—Fall 2014; pilot beginning in Fall 2012 in RI 6
7 Next class…from ?? HYBRID! Midterm exam (due by the end of next class time) Next seminar…Spring Break!; Word Study with an emphasis on teaching English language learners