Types, Purposes and Applications are words used to describe Information Systems.
Information systems come in a small number of types, which are suited for a number of purposes and are used in many applications.
Type is the broad classification of the system, Purpose refers to the specific aims of the system, Application describes the actual software packages needed by operators and users.
Information systems can be broadly classified into two types, according to whether they: manage electronic information, such as record files or password access, or control electronic processes, such as robot welders or weather satellite orbit changes.
Type electronic records management
A system’s purpose is more specific, and needs to be explained in the context of an organisation. An organisation’s system will have a central purpose that is clearly defined and demonstrably consistent with the goals of the organisation.
Purpose Monitor stock levels and customer barrowing activities
The information system’s application is a collection of software that carries out the system’s purpose.
Application a database of video titles a database of member details a spreadsheet of transaction details
TypePurposeApplication electronic records management Monitor stock levels and customer barrowing activities a database of video titles a database of member details a spreadsheet of transaction details
Types of Information-system objectives are as varied as the organizations that use them.
One approach to studying changes to information systems is to categorise them according to which of two objectives they attempt to achieve: to increase efficiency to improve effectiveness
Is the quality of being able to do task successfully without wasting time or energy
To identify where increase in efficiency might be possible, an organization can analyse the phases of its information-processing cycle, and note where time, cost and effort might be saved.
Many organization have an information-system objective of ‘increasing the speed of communicating output’, Some other examples include:
a newspaper, which has to meet a daily deadline, needs the speed and accuracy of electronic communication the stock exchange, which must instantly ‘post’ fluctuations in stock prices, needs fast, complete and accurate electronic communication
a fast food outlet, which needs to inform managers hourly about stock levels, needs fast complete communication of information.
An organisation can analyse the phases of its information-processing cycle: Accuracy Relevance Completeness And timeliness