Queen Sonja was born on the 4 th of July Her address was 1B Tuengen Allé in district of Vinderen in Oslo. Queen Sonja was born on the 4 th of July Her address was 1B Tuengen Allé in district of Vinderen in Oslo.
She finished lower secondary schooling in she received her diploma in dress making and tailoring at the Oslo Vocational. She studied accounting, fashion design and social science. She finished lower secondary schooling in she received her diploma in dress making and tailoring at the Oslo Vocational. She studied accounting, fashion design and social science.
Her personal life She got married to King Harold V in August 1968 in Oslo's cathedral nine years after they first met S h e g o t m a r r i e d t o K i n g H a r o l d V i n A u g u s t i n O s l o ' s c a t h e d r a l n i n e y e a r s a f t e r t h e y f i r s t m e t Queen Sonja became Norway's first queen in fifty-three years. They have two children princess Martha Louise and Prince Hakkon