SPD VFE installation and commissioning (status and plans) I.Status of VFE test at Barcelona II.First commissioning experience at CERN (15 th -16 th March) III.Plans for installation and commissioning Calorimeter commissioning meeting – CERN – 16th April 2007
I. Status of the test at BCN After Burn-in about 10 VFE cards to be repaired Some component dead: ASIC, FPGA, serializer… They will be repaired and used as spares, already have 100 that passed the test. VFE cards of C side ready (A-side done 30/50) –Test with PMT (signal, x-talk, tail correction) –Stability test: digital interface and short term pedestal stability (2-4 hours, stable within 1/30 and 1/100 of a MIP) LV regulator card channels are being adjusted and calibrated. All VFE and regulator cards for the C side will be at Cern tomorrow (17th April).
II. First commissioning experience at CERN (15 th -16 th March) Box 1 bottom (3 VFE cards and 1 regulator card) was installed and tested (next slide). Cable support at the entrance of boxes installed (bottom A and C) Cables transported ( half of reel matrix labels changed last week after review of Marie-Noëlle and Edu ).
II. First commissioning experience at CERN (15 th -16 th March) Average RMS noise was ~ 2,3 mV for the 3 cards both without and with HV, except for a few noisy channels. HV = 0 V HV = -700 V Light? (Test was done with box open) VFE 1VFE 2 VFE channels each 10 mV (1 MIP ~ MeV)
II. First commissioning experience at CERN (15 th -16 th March) Cards with LED system with the help of Evgueni. LED signal seen on all the channels. Uniformity: rather low : ~ factor 10 (max/min) for 3 cards “2nd experience March”: with higher LED light, uniformity down to 2.8 (PMT uniformity 2.7 ). Drawback: this requires decreasing values of PMTs (700V -> 650 V) Intermediate cases exist, details in coming meetings…
III. Plans (near future) Adjust regulator cards and check VFE cards (C side) stability at BCN (until 16th April). Continue C side installation the 16th April. Start the 16th with the cards we already have at Cern. Try to finish C side before cable installation starts to interfere with the access to some boxes Try to finish this week work in parallel: –Install cable supports (C side top, bottom already in place) –Install cards –Test cards: noise and LED In parallel test and tune cards for A side at BCN