Time Travel With somebody who looks like Mr. Angry Cloud-Ghost
Hello, you! It is time for you to learn how to say the time... I am so funny...
You already know how to say the time in English (I hope)
My glasses!!
In English first you say the minutes: “It is twenty minutes past...”
... and then you say the hours: “It is twenty minutes past twelve”
But things in Spanish work differently.
So, in Spanish firstly we need to give the hours: “Son las DOCE...”
And then the minutes: “Son las doce y VEINTE”
If it is half past, we say: “y media”, like in “Son las doce Y MEDIA”
If it is quarter past, in Spanish we say: “y cuarto”, like in “Son las doce Y CUARTO”
But what about when it is “a quarter to”, not “a quarter past”?
Difficult question, isn’t it?
We need to say: “menos cuarto”, like in “Son las doce MENOS CUARTO”
So, can you tell me (of course you can’t) how we say “it is twenty five minutes to twelve” in Spanish?
HA! You are wrong, it is “Son las doce menos veinticinco minutos”, HA!
Before we say the hours we say “Son las”
Unless it is one o’clock, when we say “Es la”
So, when we say minutes, we say “minutos”
When we say o’clock, we say “en punto”
For half past: “y media” For a quarter past: “y cuarto”
But for a quarter to: “menos cuarto”
I’m sure you can remember all that. The next mystery is my identity. Mwahahahaha...