Volumes by Disks and Washers Or, how much toilet paper fits on one of those huge rolls, anyway??
Volume by Slicing Approximating area rectangles Volume = length x width x height Total volume = (A x t) Volume of a slice = Area of a slice x Thickness of a slice A tt
Volume by Slicing Total volume = (A x t) VOLUME = A dt But as we let the slices get infinitely thin, Volume = lim (A x t) t 0 Recall: A = area of a slice
Rotating a Function Such a rotation traces out a solid shape (in this case, we get something like half an egg)
Volume by Slices Slice r dt
Disk Formula VOLUME = A dt
Volume by Disks (Rotation about the x – axis) r thickness x axis y axis Slice radius
Homework: p. 324 #1-4 *Sketch the region first!
More Volumes f(x) g(x) rotate around x axis Slice R r Area of big circle – hole
Washer Formula VOLUME = A dt
Volumes by Washers (about the x – axis) f(x) g(x) Slice R r dt Big R little r dx
2 The application we’ve been waiting for... 1 rotate around x axis f(x) g(x)
Toilet Paper f(x) g(x) So we see that: f(x) = 2, g(x) = x only goes from 0 to 1, so we use these as the limits of integration. Now, plugging in our values for f and g:
Example Homework: p. 324 #5, 6, 8, 9 *Sketch the region first!
Volume by Cross Sections Recall slices: VOLUME = A dt A = area of cross sections of the figure need area of common shapes Use x when cross-sections are perpendicular to the x – axis. Use y when perpendicular to the y – axis.
Example base Homework: handout #55, 56
TI-84 Calculator Methods
Test – Area and Volume