THE MIDDLE AGES: medieval art & heraldry shields Courtney Miller
What is the Middle Ages? Was the most turbulent period in English history Was marked with the beginning of the building of the great English Castles. The end of the Middle Ages was marked with the Black Death Plague.
Middle Ages: DEFINITION: middle period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance.
What was life like in the Middle Ages? Feudal System- a system built around the exchange of land for service. Noble, lord, a knight, a noblewoman, a peasant, peasant woman, a monk, a nun, etc. Jobs dictated the quality of life. Weapons: Every man was expected to be able to use weapons because peace was not very common.
Life in the Middle Ages:
What is Medieval Art? (art of the middle ages) Vivid colors No use of perspective Figures convey emotions Religious subjects/theme All faces the same, unrealistic Storytelling, either about religion or warfare.
Medieval/Renaissance Art
Artist: Donatello Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Botticelli
Donatello Famous sculptor From Florence, Italy
Michelangelo Painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer
Botticelli Italian painter
What is Heraldry? Is both a science and an art form. Developed out of emblems and insignia bore upon shields and banners during battles. Tracing of genealogies and determining and ruling on questions of rank.
Heraldry Symbols
Assignment: Make your own heraldry shield. * make it personal- family crest, symbols, colors important to you. * write a one page paper explaining your reasoning behind your heraldry shield. * in the paper include what you learned about the middle ages and medieval art.
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