Syntax focus: Parallelism How to Improve your Prose Creating Balance & Recognizing it in other’s Writing
When contemplating parallelism, think “Side by Side.” Similar in structure and / or meaning
Parallel Clauses Repetition of “that” and other simple words signal the presence of parallel expressions. Repetition of “that” and other simple words signal the presence of parallel expressions. Infinitives (to plus a verb/used as a noun) Infinitives (to plus a verb/used as a noun) Hamlet’s “To be or not to be?” Hamlet’s “To be or not to be?”
Noun Pairs Why is this parallelism NOT an example of polysyndeton? Why is this parallelism NOT an example of polysyndeton? Those early obsessions led to a belief that writing could be my salvation, providing me with the sort of freedom and danger, satisfaction and discomfort, truth and contradiction I can’t find in anything else in life. Those early obsessions led to a belief that writing could be my salvation, providing me with the sort of freedom and danger, satisfaction and discomfort, truth and contradiction I can’t find in anything else in life.
Correlative Conjunctions must come in pairs (like shoes) Correlative Conjunctions join words of equal weight. Correlative Conjunctions join words of equal weight. Examples: Examples: both / and both / and either / or either / or neither / nor neither / nor not only /but also not only /but also whether /or whether /or Just / so Just / so though / yet though / yet
Circle the parallelism. What elements of syntax are parallel? The platoon leader told the riflemen that their objectives were to find a good hiding place, to secure the area, and to radio their location. The platoon leader told the riflemen that their objectives were to find a good hiding place, to secure the area, and to radio their location. A. parallel clauses (ex. that) A. parallel clauses (ex. that) B. noun pairs B. noun pairs C. verb phrases C. verb phrases D. Adjective – adverb pairs D. Adjective – adverb pairs E. Correlative conjunctions E. Correlative conjunctions F. Infinitives F. Infinitives
Circle the parallelism. What elements of syntax are parallel? Miss Bower handled the class with austerity and charm, thoroughness and whimsy, pressure and patience. Miss Bower handled the class with austerity and charm, thoroughness and whimsy, pressure and patience. A. parallel clauses (ex. that) A. parallel clauses (ex. that) B. noun pairs B. noun pairs C. verb phrases C. verb phrases D. Adjective – adverb pairs D. Adjective – adverb pairs E. Correlative conjunctions E. Correlative conjunctions
Circle the parallelism. What elements of syntax are parallel? Sue controls her boyfriend not only by withholding affection but also by manipulating his friends. Sue controls her boyfriend not only by withholding affection but also by manipulating his friends. A. parallel clauses (ex. that) A. parallel clauses (ex. that) B. noun pairs B. noun pairs C. verb phrases C. verb phrases D. Adjective – adverb pairs D. Adjective – adverb pairs E. Correlative conjunctions E. Correlative conjunctions
Circle the parallelism. What elements of syntax are parallel? The veteran director’s films are sometimes amusing, often moving, and always interesting. The veteran director’s films are sometimes amusing, often moving, and always interesting. A. parallel clauses (ex. that) A. parallel clauses (ex. that) B. noun pairs B. noun pairs C. verb phrases C. verb phrases D. Adjective – adverb pairs D. Adjective – adverb pairs E. Correlative conjunctions E. Correlative conjunctions