BILC BILC SEMINAR 2012 Bled, Republic of Slovenia Paul QUATTRONE Italian Army Language School Providing Authentic Learning RECIPES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL SUCCESS
BILC A few things you should know I have not changed my name not a presentation on teaching specific skills meta-cognitive ability
BILC Language proficiency profiles will be recorded using a sequence of 4 digits to represent the four language skill areas, L istening S peaking R eading W riting and those skills will be listed in the following sequence:
BILC Aim Syllabus in line with STANAG 6001 Syllabus in line with STANAG 6001 Proficiency scales require authentic listening Proficiency scales require authentic listening Need for new forms of teaching methods and material development Need for new forms of teaching methods and material development Implementing Cognitive Learning Theory Implementing Cognitive Learning Theory
BILC Streamlined with Content and Tasks content domains IAW STANAG Geopolitics Geopolitics Economics Economics Culture Culture Science Science Technology Technology Philosophy Philosophy Professional Fields Professional Fields Tasks as per STANAG ed Only Authentic Material can fill in this gap
BILC Authentic Listening All materials can be prepared by teachers or selected from Curricula Department
BILC Teaching and Preparing Materials What methods do we use to teach and prepare them? Cognitive Psychology Research
BILC Review of Cognition and Metacognition learning verification mind acquisition Vandergrift (2007) Metacognitive processes Cognitive learning theory Socio-affective strategies.
BILC Developing natural successful strategies Vandergrift’s stages of instruction students’ cognitive processes metacognitive and socio-affective strategies teachers informed on teaching developing material monitoring students’ strategies Pre-Listening Listening Post-Listening
BILC Listening Cognition Top-down SCHEMATA THEORY DECODE MEANING Bottom-up
BILC Listening Cognition predictive questions brainstorm the topic prior to the activity Pre - Listening Stage
BILC Listening Cognition Listening Stage
BILC Listening Cognition Students lean depending upon: Their proficiency Their proficiency Authentic material Authentic material Tasks Tasks
BILC METACOGNITION when teachers ask students: how they reached comprehension how they reached comprehension what helped them what helped them what difficulties they had what difficulties they had
BILC Metacognitive Strategies oversee the learning process
BILC Application in Classroom Cognitive Sequence in teaching is very important Pre-listening: Brainstorming Listening (global and detail) Post listening: cloze exercises, etc.. Because it facilitates the student’s metacognitive awareness. Planning and directing attention Monitoring Evaluation
BILC Implementing Metacognition with Teachers Teachers help the students to verbalize the mental activities that they engage in Changes in Teacher’s role More responsibility on the student
BILC Implementing Metacognition with Teachers Students apply new strategies Collaborative approach Students deepen understanding teachers assist managing their comprehension and learning
BILC Implementing Metacognition with Teachers We’ll review the Multiple Choice questions today How did you feel during the Listening? I felt less nervous this time
BILC RECEPTIVITY how much is understood or accepted do teachers beliefs facilitate or hamper? do students beliefs facilitate or hamper? how much is understood or accepted do teachers beliefs facilitate or hamper? do students beliefs facilitate or hamper?
BILC COLLABORATION teachers need to be informed and encouraged student involvement diaries interviews questionnaires
BILC Recipes for instructional Learning A sprinkle of Stanag awareness A dash of cognitive learning theory A pinch of teacher training
BILC A ounce of activating schemata A half-pint of developing awareness A quart of self-evaluation Recipes for successful Learning
BILC The listening NIRVANA
BILC Thank You
BILC REFERENCES Goth, C Metacognitive Instruction for Second Language Development: Theory, Practice and Research Implications Goth, C; Mareschal, C; & Vandergrift L (2006) - Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire: Development and Validation Marrone, V - A proposito di meta cognizione: una proposta per il “processo” di ascolto Miller, L(2003) - Developing Listening Skills with Authentic Materials. ESL Magazine O’Bryan & Hegelheimer - Using a mixed methods approach to explore strategies, metacognitive awareness and the effects of task design on listening development. Pozzo, G - Interventi di rafforzamento nelle competenze didattiche degli insegnanti in materia di lingue straniere (Codice:2010_CFCAPI.01) - “Per me e tutto arabo” Migliore la competenza dell’ascolto Sabet, M.K. - The Impact of Authentic Listening Materials on Elementary EFL Learners’ Listening Skills, 2012 Shirley A, McFaul, & Cooper, J - Peer Clinical Supervision: Theory vs. Reality. Educational Leadership. April 1984 Torresan, P - Metacognizione e apprendimento linguistico. A colloquio con Luciano Mariani Vandergrift, L (2004) - Listening To Learn Or Learning To Listen? Cambridge University Press