Review for final exam Overview of exam Discussion of questions
Overview Material covered: Parts V (Kant) and VI (Contractualism and Justice) “Closed book” exam 3 essay questions
Overview (cont.) 2 groups of questions: Group A: drawn from questions 1-3 of study guide (Kant) Group B: drawn from questions 4-7 of study guide (Rawls) Must answer a question in each group Might have to answer 2 from a specified group
Advice Write the answers in your own voice Provide more rather than less
Question 1 Explain Kant's notion of a good will. Be sure to explain what Kant means when he says that a good will does not act from inclination but "from duty." Also explain Kant's claim that a good will is the only thing good without qualification and that "it is the highest good and the condition of all the rest" (396).
Question 1 (cont.)
Question 2 Explain the idea that when we live by the categorical imperative, we treat humanity as an end in itself and not merely as a means. As part of your answer, explain how treating humanity as an end requires us both to restrict the means we employ and the ends we adopt.
Question 2 (cont.) Sources: and 5th lecture on Kant Humanity: our status as “animated practical reason” Treated as end: principles of action must meet everyone’s approval Restrict means: deceitful promise example Restrict ends: maxim of indifference fails
Question 3 Explain Kant's idea that the moral law is a law of autonomy. Include in your answer a discussion of the way the CI procedure reflects our autonomy. Also explain why Kant would say that the theories of Hume and Plato cannot be correct because they are based on "heteronomy of the will."
Question 3 (cont.)
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7