Cluster Lenses & High Redshift Clusters (MACS) A Status Report Jean-Paul KNEIB Observatoire Astronomique Marseille Provence, Marseille, France H. Ebeling, G. Smith, I. Smail, A. Edge, J. Greene, P. Hudelot, S. Bardeau, G. Soucail, P. Marshall, E. Egami, G. Covone, E.Jullo and many others H. Ebeling, G. Smith, A. Gal-Yam, I. Smail, A. Edge, J. Greene, P. Hudelot, S. Bardeau, G. Soucail, P. Marshall, E. Egami, G. Covone, E.Jullo and many others
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters2 Outline Lensing in Clusters Mass Distribution in Cluster: strong & weak lensing at low-z MACS Clusters (0.3<z<0.8): ACS deep survey MACS Snapshot, RXJ0152 (SN search) Future prospects
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters3 Theory: Lens Diagram CFHT BRI 1990 Z_cluster=0.375 Z_arc=0.725 (Soucail et al 1988)
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters4 Science with Cluster Lenses Study the mass distribution of cluster => cosmology? Study the distant lensed Universe Direct constrain on cosmological parameters
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters5 The lensing equation is a mapping from image plane to source plane: D ls /D s D ls /D s For a point mass, the deflection angle is: 4GM/bc 2 (b is the impact parameter) -> typically 10” for a Solar mass Amplification matrix: Theory: Lens Mapping
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters6 Cluster Lenses Most massive clusters Einstein radius: 10-45” Strong Lensing in the core, Weak lensing on large scale Ned Wrigth, UCLA Insensitive to: Nature of matter Physical state of matter Cleanest available probe of Dark Matter
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters7 Mass distribution in cluster cores
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters8 Cluster Lens: Mass Reconstruction Parameterized mass distribution, involving various multiple image system (works better, less free parameters) Need to include galaxy scale mass components using scaling relations (dominate locally the mass)
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters9 Strong and Weak Lensing Absolute central mass relative total mass and slope
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters10 An Example from space: Cl HST wide field sparse mosaic 76 orbits, 38 pointings Probe regions up to ~5Mpc Aim: learn cluster physics of clusters by comparing with other mass estimates: X-ray, dynamics (Treu et al 2003, Kneib et al 2003)
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters : Shear Profile Extrapolate strong lensing models at large scale by exploring various cluster mass profile. Rule out SIS model NFW (with large c~20) or Power-law models give comparatively good model. SIS fitting strong lensing data NFW fitting strong And weak lesning ~3 Mpc
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters12 Cl0024: Mass vs. Light NFW and Power-Law model fit the strong+weak lensing But high concentration compared to expectations (similar results on other clusters: A1689 …) SIS does not fit the strong+weak lensing M/L is constant with radius with M/L K ~40 Mass traces Light !!! Kneib et al 2003 SIS model fitting weak lensing NFW model Light profile Red sequence selection Broader sequence selection
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters13 Questions for Cluster Physics What are the total mass and structural properties of massive clusters? How are the mass and structure of clusters related to the global thermodynamics (Tx, Lx)? How do cluster substructure and thermodynamics evolve with redshift? Implications of cluster mass and substructure for cluster Cosmology?
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters14 Multi-wavelength/epoch study Study of 10 clusters at z~0.2 –HST, WFPC2, F702W, 7 5ksec –Chandra, ACIS-I(S), 4-40ksec –UKIRT, UFTI, 9ksec – CFHT12k, BRI, weak shear z=0.21+/-0.04 L x >8x10 44 erg/s A68 A209 A267 A383 A773 A963Ellis et al A1763 A1835 A2218Kneib et al A2219Smail et al X-ray Luminosity t~2Gyr2Gyr z=0z=0.2z=0.5z~1
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters15 Example:Abell 68 (z=0.25) Data and constraints –ID multiple image systems (HST) –Spectroscopic redshifts (Keck+) –Weak lensing constraints (HST) Measurements –Cluster mass (R<500kpc) –Dark matter morphology Triply-imaged “ERO” R-K=5.4 z=1.6 Smith et al 2001,2003,2005
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters16 Quantitative structural classification Relaxed Mass[Lensing] ICM[X-ray] Typical Unrelaxed Atypical Unrelaxed 70% of X-ray luminous cluster cores at z=0.2 are dynamically immature and strongly heterogeneous N dm 121 M cen /M tot 0.97± ± ±0.01 T tot /T ann 0.8±0.11.0±0.11.0±0.2 Δ r (arcsec)<110±222±1 Smith et al., 2005
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters17 M-T relation or M-T scatter plot? Smith et al., 2005 Structural segregatio n [~40%]PossibleSystematics?[~10-20%] Unrelaxed clusters are 40% hotter than relaxed clusters (2.5σ) Consistent with hydro simulations of cluster-cluster mergers (Ricker & Sarazin 2001, Randall et al. 2003) Finoguenov et al., 2001
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters18 Better agreement with weak lensing?
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters19 weak lensing shear profile
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters20 weak lensing scatter plots… Lensing dynamics lensing X-ray (~150 z/cluster)
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters21 Better agreement with weak lensing? Offset between dynamics and mass: sign of merger due to optical selection ? Or the fact that those systems are still young? A big scatter between Tx and Mass: we can probably do better (including strong lensing) but … limited by cluster substructure Need better data and statistics … ie. go from sample of 10s to sample of 100s
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters22 The MAssive Cluster Survey (MACS) MACS is covering a very wide area and thus is able to discover the most x-ray luminous clusters unlike other surveys. Most massive clusters should be strong lenses ~120 z>0.3 MACS clusters to be observed with Chandra & ACS SNAP 10 MACS cluster have been observed with HST/ACS
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters23 MACS clusters at 0.5<z<0.6 X-ray Luminosity t~2Gyr2Gyr z=0z=0.2z=0.5z~1 10 clusters at z~0.55 HST/ACS imaging –F555W, F814W –5ksec/filter Keck/LRIS + VLT/FORS spectroscopy (arcs and cluster galaxies) –Blue and Red spectroscopy SUBARU/Suprime imaging –Weak lensing and galaxy population
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters24 MACS 1149 z=1.89 z=1.5
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters25 MACS 0717 z=2.96 Ly- blob
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters26 MACS 0257 z=1.06
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters27 MACS/HST weak lensing
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters28 MACS/HST weak lensing Atomic Inference Simulation data Classical 2D reconstruction Cluster mass reconstruction method using (NFW) blobs that can combine strong+weak lensing data: using MCMC techniques To cope with complex Shape seen at high-z Marshall et al 2006
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters29 4Mpc filament in MACSJ Ebeling et al (GO: 10420, cycle 14) X-ray+Gal densityLensing Subaru+Gal density+ ACS survey
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters30 4Mpc filament in MACSJ Ebeling, Barrett, Donovan, 2004 Galaxies with Spectra Redshift distribution
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters31 Does cluster substructure evolve? Current status of MACS strong lensing analysis –Candidate gravitational multiple images identified –[Ground-based spectroscopy of arcs <~50% complete] Broad brush demographics:- z=0.2z=0.55 Strong lensing clusters8/1010/10 Unrelaxed clusters4/109/10 Candidate unrelaxed clusters3/100/10 Relaxed cool core clusters2/101/10 Relaxed non cool core clusters1/100/
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters32 MACS Snapshot ACS Ebeling et al (GO: 10491, cycle 14) List of 124 MACS clusters to be observed with HST/ACS in SNAP mode in F814W Aim at finding effective lensing clusters and strongly distorted arcs (statistics and magnified sources) 5 clusters already observed
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters33 First Strong Lensing IDs MACS Snapshot ACS Ebeling et al (GO: 10491) First Strong Lensing IDs
RXJ a massive cluster at z~0.83 X-ray luminous cluster at z=0.83 At least 8 multiple image systems, one at z=3.9 (Umetsu et al 2005)=> high ellipticity for DM, indicative of a merger. Ideal probe for VIMOS/IFU Potential interest for cosmology (Golse et al 2002) VIMOS/IFU Field of view
October 25, 2005Ringberg, Hi-z clusters35 Lensing for Cluster Physics Lensing is probing mass relatively easily, measuring substructure gets more difficult at higher z, but is clearly seen! Scattered relation between Mass and X-ray - depends on physical state and substructure (merger/relaxed) Higher substructures at higher redshift (lots of lensing till z~0.8 in massive systems)? Cosmology with cluster is likely to be hard - at least with current cluster sample size (10s) need much larger sample, but will learn some physics.