NAMING FILES Guidelines Lowercase letters Letters and numbers ONLY If punctuation is necessary, underscore, tilde(~) or hyphen (-) are used No spaces Keep as short as possible
EXAMPLES OF FILE NAMES Which of these are good? If bad, why? mydogs.jpg HOMEPAGE.HTM car/wash.html snakes:my Friends.gif You-Bet-It-Hurts-Tattoos.jpg
HTML DOCUMENTS Consists of 2 things Document Content HTML Tags Save as filename.html or filename.htm Document Content Opening Tag Closing Tag One sided vs. two sided Tags are NOT case sensitive, but standard is to capitalize
CREATE YOUR FIRST WEB PAGE Open NotepadFile Save AsChange “Save as type” to All FilesSave to H: drive Web Page DesignSave the file name as lastnametest.htm
CREATE YOUR FIRST WEB PAGE Type the following: My First Web Page
TAG DICTIONARY ENTRIES HTML – indicates to the browser that your page is written in HTML code HEAD – Information about the web page. This section includes the TITLE tags TITLE – Displays the title of the page – displays in the title bar or tab of the browser BODY – The portion of the document the users will see