Living and studying in England: Cambridge Pablo Canca, Blanca Loring, Javier Repiso 2º Bach
How to get to Cambridge
Cambridge Residences Acommodation 2700 – 3600 £ 3000 – 4200 £ Kitchen facilites charges400 – 600 £ College meals3 – 4 £ TransportCheap or free King’s College
If you can’t pay for it
Colleges The Colleges are responsible for admitting students to the University and they are your base while you're studying at Cambridge.
Moving around Cambridge Bus, walking and cycling are the ways to move around the city. Anyway, it is recommended to use the bus on rainy days.
Spare Time Pubs: Elm Tree Pub or the Hidden Rooms Parks: The River Cam, Cambridge University Botanic Garden… Cambridge Arts Theatre Kings Parade
Festivals Cambridge Folk Festival: celebrated the first days of august. It has been celebrated for 50 years. Chariots of Fire: a relay. Folk Festival
Sports Cambridge is famous for the worldly known “Boat Race” against Oxford. This competition begun in Picture taken in 1978.