Nasya Brummett Prd 3
Summary This section talks about Bulimia, it explains the health effects of having bulimia and how to diagnose the problem of bulimia. It also explains how you can first get bulimia and the symptoms people can have.
The main idea The most important concept talked about in this section is the dangerous health effects bulimia has on a person.
Information Bulimia is a serious eating disorder where individuals go on eating binges followed by purging or throwing up. Bulimia is difficult to diagnose because the behavior is done in private and the person appears normal. Some symptoms of being bulimic can include losing weight, dehydration, and tearing and bleeding of the tongue and gums. Bulimics often become depressed and may consider suicide.
Information continued An example of this could be a ballet dancer going on an extreme diet to lose weight but then not being able to stop. It is important for people to know this so if they have friends who are bulimic they can help them seek immediate help from a metical professional.
Story Kate is a dancer she has a friend who had bulimia. Her friend first got bulimia after going on a diet because some one said she was to fat. Her diet was meant to be just that but the became very extreme. She started eating a lot less and regularly throwing up half of what she ate. Not many people noticed her condition except some of her closest friends. Soon after some weight loss she experienced dehydration, and many other health problems
Story continued Do to throwing up many times her teeth became eroded from stomach acid, and she had many vitamin and mineral deficiencies. From all the stress and health issues she got extremely depressed and had constant thoughts of suicide. With help from her friends and mental health professionals she was able to understand her illness and get help for it
How I feel about the topic I think this is an important topic to learn about and understand. Understanding the health risks of having this disorder can have an impact on many people who want to help someone with bulimia. By understanding what they are going through it can be easier to help them.
Summary Overall this section explained Bulimia. It talked about the causes of Bulimia, how it can first start, and the dangers of having Bulimia.