EDUU 609: Seminar in Curriculum Design The 6 Facets of Understanding, A, B, C’s of Curriculum Design, and a Dash of UbD (for flavor) Brandman University EDUU 609: Seminar in Curriculum Design Kimberly Greene, Ed.D.
What are “WE” really trying to do? Prepare students for their next grade? Prepare students to pass standardized tests? Prepare students to become productive members of today’s society? Prepare students to become productive members of tomorrow’s society? All of the above!
Who are “WE” dealing with? (a quick refresher) Largest generation (36% of total population). 31% are minorities; more diverse than the adult population. Have come of age along with the Internet/technology is just stuff. Information has been universally available and free; community is a digital place of common interest, not shared physical space. They demand to be catered to on an individual basis.
Realistically, what can “WE” do? “How do we make it more likely-by design-that more of our students really understand what they are asked to learn?” -UbD, p. 4 “How do we make it more likely-by-design- that more of our students really understand both what they are learning and how they are and can best continue to keep learning, so that they can discover their place in the world of tomorrow?” -Greene, book in progress
And this alleged “World of Tomorrow”? Remember our friends at The Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Best Quote Ever! Education: “That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding” -Ambrose Bierce (in UbD, p.35)
UbD? Focus on Big Ideas Desired Learnings/Results Supports BOTH content standards & meaningful learning Backwards Design- really dig into this concept
Chapter 1 Key Points 1 of 2 Interesting vs Effective Learning Content & Coverage vs Results (the person at the end of the curricular journey) 3 stages of Backward design (p. 18): Identify Desired Results Determine Acceptable Evidence Plan Learning Experiences & Instruction
Chapter 2 Key Points The difference(s) between “knowledge” and “understanding” Transferability?
Understanding/ Knowing “shifting deck chairs on the Titanic” Authentic understanding/learning- Imagine the difference for these students if they had only read a book and filled out a bunch of worksheets. Misunderstandings (pp. 54 & 55)
Chapter 3 Key Points Unpacking Standards Look for the big idea Reframe the concept around a larger idea Find performance indicators Identify the key nouns, adjectives, and verbs pp. 64 & 65
The 6 Facets of Understanding (I) Explanation Interpretation Application Perspective Empathy Self-Knowledge
The 6 Facets of Understanding (II) Explanation Why is “X” as it is? What events came together to make “X” happen? Interpretation What does “X” really mean? Why does “X” matter? How does “X” + “Y” + Z” make sense together? Application How can I use my knowledge, skill, & ability regarding “X” to do something? What can I use, alter, manipulate with my skill, knowledge and ability regarding “X” to deal with this situation or make something beneficial to work within the situation?
The 6 Facets of Understanding (III) Perspective From what Point Of View (POV) is “X” being presented, discussed, assessed, praised, dissed… ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of “X”? Empathy How does “X” look to someone else and why? What was “X” intended to be, look like, represent to the writer/designer/creator/intended audience… ? Self-Knowledge How does who I am (affectively, behaviorally, & cognitively) shape my views on “X”? What about me makes me possibly not understand “X”? Why do I believe what I do about “X” and its value?
Bloom’s Taxonomy (revised) Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Let’s Compare (I) BLOOM’S Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating UbD Explanation Interpretation Application Perspective Empathy Self-Knowledge
Let’s Compare (II) UbD BLOOM’S Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Self-Knowledge Perspective Empathy UNDERSTANDING FACETS NECESSARY FOR TRANSFERABILITY Application Interpretation Explanation LEARNING BEHAVIORS
A, B, C’s of Curriculum Design : Affective, Behavioral, Cognitive Domains Emotions, Feelings, Values, Likes, Desires Of the 6 Facets of Understanding, Interpretation, Perspective, Empathy, and Self-knowledge tend to be the most comfortable fit for this domain. http://projects.coe.uga.edueplttindex.phptitle=Teaching_and_Learning_in_Affective_Domain
Behavioral = Actions, Physical, Doing Most over-used (incorrectly) of the 3 domains. Of the 6 facets of understanding, Application tends to fit under this domain the easiest. Sometimes called “psychomotor” Focus should be on the physical experience, tangibles, constructionism The behavioral action needs a verb that is, itself active, not passive ( )
Cognitive = Thoughts, Understanding, Conceptual Knowledge, The closest domain to the traditional concept of “learning in the head”. Of the 6 Facets of Understanding (UbD), all can live here but usually, explanation & application are the most genuinely cognitive.
A, B, & C in the real world When we design curriculum, we need to design for all three domains to ensure meaningfulness and transferability. Ideas to Ponder: What is YOUR preferred learning style?? Think your students would all answer the same? Scaffolding onto past experiences? Values of the individual, his/her family, his/her community?
A, B, & C in the real world Examples: 1) 2) 3)