Water Efficiency in Buildings Preparations for the Stakeholder and Public consultations Meeting of the Strategic Co-ordination Group Brussels, 8 November 2011 Andrea Nam
2 Share of the water abstracted in the different sectors
3 Water use in the building sector Residential sector
4 Water use in the building sector Non-residential sector (UK)
Identification of the policy options - Investigation of existing initiatives in the EU-27 and beyond, on water performance schemes - Identification of a range of options (24) - Rapid assessment of the identified options and selection, based on: Technical feasibility Potential for water savings EU applicability Potential risks Costs of investments Redundancy with other options
The current policy options Horizontal policies Metering/smart metering Pricing and cost strategy Awareness raising/education Product level policies Voluntary labelling Mandatory labelling Minimum water efficiency requirements for water using products Building level policies Voluntary water performance rating/auditing of buildings Mandatory water performance rating/auditing of buildings Minimum water performance requirements of buildings Certification scheme for water reuse and harvesting
Product level policies The products considered are the following: taps, shower heads, toilets, dishwashers, washing machines Voluntary labelling -Informs the consumer, assists consumer choice -Possibly only already good performing products would use the label -Impact on water saving depending on use Mandatory labelling -All products labelled, consumer can compare products -Cost of the scheme -Impact on water saving depending on use Minimum water efficiency requirements for water using products -In line with the Eco-design directive – can be used to implement the requirements, to remove the water- inefficient products -Impact on water saving depending on use
Building level policies Voluntary/Mandatory water performance rating/auditing of buildings -Rating and auditing are tools that allow communicating about a performance against defined standards and comparing performances -Information purpose, which must be combined with an improvement system to lead to improved water performance -Voluntary schemes risk being only implemented by already good performing buildings – Mandatory: all buildings considered and rated – allows comparison -Water metering vs. calculations Minimum water performance requirements of buildings -Sets a threshold below which it is considered that a building is not efficient “enough” - bans inefficient buildings, ensures minimum performance
Building level policies (continued) Certification scheme for water reuse and harvesting -Use of lower quality water for non-potable uses (e.g. flushing, gardening) -No reduction in terms of water use, but relief on water abstraction -Can be integrated at design stage for new buildings- Technical feasibility for existing buildings -Sanitary issues, public perception -Standards are needed -Voluntary implementation
Main impacts assessed Environmental impacts Water use Energy consumption and carbon emissions Wastewater generation and supply issues Economic impacts Capital costs Operation and Maintenance costs Administrative and Enforcement costs Potential side costs Tenant / Owner distribution of costs Social impacts Public behaviour and acceptance Employment Sanitary and health issues
Consultation Aim of the consultation: -Inform the public on the problem, its impacts and the options to address it -Get feedback form stakeholders on the understanding of the problem and the preference for the different options Will be carried out by: -Stakeholders Conference on 29 November 2011; Background Paper with specific questions (will be available via Internet) -Public Consultation: via Internet using a Questionnaire Timing: -Will start in November and will be open for 12 weeks -The Questionnaire and the Background Paper will be will be available for comments for 12 weeks
Thank you!