November 2015 PVAAS Update PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE
Transition of State Assessments: Impact on PVAAS?
Transition of State Assessments/PSSA: PVAAS Is the group of students (indicated by the yellow star) at the same RELATIVE position in the distribution of statewide scores from SY to SY14-15? Yes = Green on PVAAS.
Transition of State Assessments/PSSA: PVAAS Distribution of school value-added levels over the past two years, SY13-14 and SY14-15 for PSSA Math in grades four through eight. Despite the changes in proficiency over the past two years, the distribution of PVAAS color indicators has remained fairly constant (Red is the lowest and Dark Blue is the highest).
Transition of State Assessments/PSSA: PVAAS Distribution of school value-added levels over the past two years, SY13-14 and SY14-15 for PSSA Reading/ELA in grades four through eight. Despite the changes in proficiency over the past two years, the distribution of PVAAS color indicators has remained fairly constant (Red is the lowest and Dark Blue is the highest).
Transition of State Assessments/PSSA: PVAAS New document with these illustrations will be available soon on the PVAAS login page! Updated Version
PVAAS Reporting Releases SY14-15 Reporting
Password Protected Site: Currently Enrolled Projections, GIEP Currently enrolled data released November 5 LEAs who submitted complete data into PIMS as of Oct 16, can now access the PVAAS Student Projection Reports and PVAAS Projection Summary Reports for students who have changed grade levels, have changed schools (elementary to middle school, and middle to high school), and/or who are new to the LEA. GIEP flag will be added in PVAAS with next release/update in December - using the November PIMS Enrollment file
Password Protected Site: Currently Enrolled and New Projections PVAAS Projections are available for the following assessments: Math, ELA and Science (4,8): Students enrolled in grades 4-8 Keystones Algebra I, Literature, Biology: Students enrolled in grade 6 and higher PSAT: Students enrolled in grades 6-11 ACT, SAT: Students enrolled in grades 9-12 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams: Students enrolled in grades 6-12 AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Statistics AP English Literature AP English Language AP Government Politics AP US History AP Psychology
PVAAS Public Site Anticipated date of release – November 19, 2015 Includes reporting ACROSS GRADES by subject/Keystone content area. Reporting is ONLY included on the PVAAS Public Site if more than one grade level of students is represented in the PVAAS score for the specific subject/Keystone content area. (This is defined in Act 104.) An announcing the release of the PVAAS Public Site will be sent, when the site is released, from EVAAS Support to: District Admin account holders (Supt or designee/1 per LEA) District User account holders School Admin account holders (Principal/1 per school building)
Performance and Quintile Diagnostic Resource Document
PVAAS Diagnostic Reports: Performance Diagnostic and Quintile Diagnostic
Below Basic spans 2 quintiles
PVAAS Fall Professional Development Common Questions
Common Questions/Topics We’re Hearing in Training Sessions… What does the 0-3 mean on the Teacher List by School Report? 0-3 score (last column) is NOT the AGI 0-3 score for Composite indicates conversion of AGI to what score would be IF used on 82-1 rating tool/evaluation Intended for people to see score “along the way” to a 3 year rolling average 0-3 score NOT to be used yet unless from a 3 year rolling average
Common Questions/Topics We’re Hearing in Training Sessions… How can Composite be yellow/red but all singles green? MORE evidence! How can 2 teachers be green, but 1 teacher red if they taught same students? 2 teachers had 35 students each for only 20% of the time (small amount of IR), but the other teacher had all 70 students combined and for 80% of the time (larger amount of IR). That one teacher had twice as many students and a lot more %IR (more data, more evidence). MORE evidence! Response:– the model for PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting assumes that the group of students is GREEN, UNLESS…. There is enough data/evidence in the students’ assessment results to indicate otherwise and pull them to the “other colors” (dark blue, light blue, yellow, red)
PVAAS Roster Verification Are you reeaddddddy to rosteeeerrrrrrr?!!!!!!
Roster Verification Phases: Spring 2016 Please note the adjustment for the opening and closing of each phase: Each phase will close on a Friday, at 11:59 pm, and roll into the next phase Saturday at midnight. notifications to the appropriate users for the next phase, informing them of the opening of the phase, will be sent on the Monday of each phase. The change was made to reflect when the work of verifying rosters is generally completed: during the work week (M-F).
SY15-16 Updated RV Resources Posted! RV VLM Part I Posted!! What is RV….