Pop Lecture: Dance Education in/and the Post-Modern Isabel Marques Presented by Joy Merrifield and Samantha Thornhill Prepared by: Dr. Kay Picart
Aims To examine the barrier between dance and this postmodern society, as discerned by Marques To introduce important theorists who have greatly influenced dance education To distinguish the difference between a discipline based and a context based dance education To discuss the dance teacher’s role and responsibility in the classroom when implementing context-based dance education
Marques’ Question Is: “Do we really have to choose between becoming a teacher or a dancer?” (173)
See if you can answer this: Why is dance education so far removed from society?
A term you BETTER know Postmodernism:
Meet Rudolf Laban
Express Yourself! What do you think Laban meant by “Universality of Movement”?
What is Marques’ problem with this theory?
Discussion Question: Our concern Is: Freire designed his theories to rethink the educational system in oppressed and/or multicultural societies such as Brazil. Therefore, how can his theories possibly apply to educators/educatees of privilege?
Discussion Question (if you didn’t read, then guess!) What is the difference between a context-based dance education and a discipline-based dance education?
Concluding Question How can Marques’s context-based dance education help stimulate the interest of her dance education students in learning the pedagogy of dance education, as opposed to just dancing?
Works Cited Marques, Isabel A. “Dance Education in/and the Postmodern.” Dance, Power, and Difference: Critical and Feminist Perspectives on Dance Education. Ed. Shelly B. Shapiro. United States: Human Kinetics Publishers, Internet Sites Pablo Freire. Rudolph Laban