Today’s Warm Up Answer on your warm up/exit ticket sheet: Based on your prior knowledge, make a list of adjectives to describe Napoleon. This one… Not him…
The Rise of Napoleon
After the Terror National Convention writes a new constitution in 1795 Directory – governing board; 5 members elected by Upper House Directory – governing board; 5 members elected by Upper House Upper HouseUpper House Lower HouseLower House
After the Terror Economy improves for some but… Poor still suffered Poor still suffered New constitution restricts voting rights New constitution restricts voting rights Corrupt leaders; lots of arguing Corrupt leaders; lots of arguing PAVED THE WAY FOR A DICTATORSHIP IN FRANCE
The Rise of Napoleon Revolution left France vulnerable Napoleon helps France fight off foreign invaders and is a renowned army captain by age 26
Napoleon Takes Power Napoleon’s ambition grows Directory is weak and ineffective Coup d'état of November 1799 – Napoleon takes over!
Another New Government?! The Directory is replaced by the Consulate Constitution of 1799 drafted Constitution of 1799 drafted Members voted Napoleon in charge as first Consul Members voted Napoleon in charge as first Consul Napoleon makes his power permanent in 1804 Submits a plebiscite in 1804; Declared France to be an empire with Napoleon as emperor Submits a plebiscite in 1804; Declared France to be an empire with Napoleon as emperor Marks the end of the French Revolution Marks the end of the French Revolution
Napoleon Dominates Europe In his quest to conquer Europe, Napoleon starts series of wars called Napoleonic Wars that lasted until 1815 Extension of battles fought between France and other European nations during the Revolution Extension of battles fought between France and other European nations during the Revolution France’s empire grows rapidly but falls apart just as quickly France’s empire grows rapidly but falls apart just as quickly
Napoleon’s Empire, 1812
Was Napoleon Good for France? You’ll need a textbook Guided Reading: Pg. 215: Napoleon’s Policies Pg. 215: Napoleon’s Policies Pg. 216 – 218: Napoleon’s Fall Pg. 216 – 218: Napoleon’s Fall
Today’s Exit Ticket: Zero or Hero? Napoleon wants to ask your best friend to the junior prom… Side A: You think Napoleon is a hero and would be a perfect date for your friend. Using historical facts, come up with a pick-up line to help Napoleon win a date to the junior prom. Side A: You think Napoleon is a hero and would be a perfect date for your friend. Using historical facts, come up with a pick-up line to help Napoleon win a date to the junior prom. Side B: You hate Napoleon and think he is a complete loser. Using historical facts, come up with a warning line that lists reasons why your friend should say NO! Side B: You hate Napoleon and think he is a complete loser. Using historical facts, come up with a warning line that lists reasons why your friend should say NO! *REMEMBER, your lines should include a historical fact about Napoleon and must be school appropriate. *
Sample… Roses are red, your eyes are blue… I get lost in them, Like I did at Waterloo
Exit Ticket: Faces of History On page 213 in your textbook, view the two contrasting portraits of Napoleon and decide which is more realistic. In 1-2 sentences, explain how each painting reflects different aspects of Napoleon’s personality and the rise and fall of his fortunes.
3-2-1 Exit Ticket o o 3 – reasons why Napoleon was able to seize power in France o o 2 – policies implemented under Napoleon’s rule o o 1 – way the reign of Napoleon connects to Enlightenment ideologies