Welcome To Old Dominion University’s ECI 301 Elementary Art Education Class!!!!
Meet This Week’s “Soon-To-Be Teachers” Amanda Jasmine Mary LaurenStephanie
A Little About ODU:
OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY: Was founded in 1930 Currently has 15,464 Undergraduate Students Has 1,017 Faculty Members Has a Monarch Lion mascot Has the following popular sports teams (in addition to many others): Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Cheerleading, Dance, Field Hockey, Swimming, Wrestling, Golf, Lacrosse, and Football (in the near future)
My Home- My Castle Project Goals: To understand and explore that your “home” is your surrounding environment/habitat (Norfolk) To observe and create your own fishbowl using castles, vegetation, and things found in your habitat (Norfolk)
Some Special Stuff Norfolk Houses, That Can Be Applied To Your Project: Wyland’s Whale Painting That Can Be Found On The Side Of One Of Norfolk’s Parking Garage
~About Wyland~ The artist, Robert Wyland, was born in 1956, in Detroit, Michigan. He is best known for painting large Whale, and other ocean life, murals on the sides of buildings. Wyland is more than just a marine artist, he is also an environmental advocate. He currently spends his time in Hawaii, California, and Florida. One of his goals is to paint 100 Whaling Walls by the year 2011.
Some Of The Norfolk Mermaids More Special Stuff Norfolk Houses, That Can Be Applied To Our Project:
The Project You Will Be Given: A Fishbowl to Paint The Materials You Can Use: Paint Paint Brushes Glitter Paint