Huh? You saw what posted on my Facebook?
You can learn a lot about people by the things they post on their Facebook pages…
Some of it is downright shocking!
Let’s take a look at what some of you have posted on your Facebook pages…
T. thought he was okay in the privacy department because only some of his Info was available to everyone… But he didn’t put the privacy filter on his Wall so everyone can read what he has posted and what everyone has posted to him.
B. thinks that only kids and cool adults know what “WTF” means… She’s wrong. There are grandmothers on Facebook and they are interested to see what their darling grandchildren are doing.
A. must be a musical sort of guy. He likes the words in songs, the lyrics. But maybe posting “I’m ill, m…..f…..” isn’t a real good idea… …if you don’t have privacy settings and everyone can see what you’re posting!
R. is proud of the fact that he has a girlfriend, but does he really want to announce to the whole WORLD that he’s in a kissing mood???
D. has told way too much about herself. She is leaving herself wide open for grooming by an online predator.
D. didn’t set a privacy filter on her friends page, so anyone can access the pages of her friends. It’s interesting to see who is friends with who, but you never know who can see your page!
T. was in school. Library was boring that day. The next morning a teacher accessed her Facebook Wall when T. wanted to “friend” her and found that T. had texted a posting. T. said she didn’t do it, that someone else had done it, but that didn’t sound too convincing. What do you think?
But then there are some kids who are doing everything right to protect themselves, their friends, and their families. They have set the privacy filters so that no one but friends can see any of their Facebook entries.
One last thing we need to discuss…
Edmodo is an educational social networking site, created for use in schools. It is a controlled site, safe for teachers and students.
It was going to be used as a site where Jennie Smith kids could go for ideas and comments on books for summer reading…
But a student violated that trust and signed in as a teacher to create his own group…
And there are other issues, such as asking for other people’s addresses…
And threatening to “beat up” another student
And making fun of other students…
And choosing usernames that are inappropriate…
Keep in mind the purpose of the site, which is the exchange of ideas, and remember that it will be monitored, read, and commented upon by the teacher!
Computers are a great tool and learning to use them is necessary for life in today’s world. The challenge is to use them wisely and safely.