Austin Wescoat
Well proportioned, balanced, and uniformed To be compact and smooth Shoulders, midsection, and HQ well developed and fill Depth and width should be in balance The body is worth 35 points.
Balanced with the body. Set relatively close to the shoulders. Eyes bright and bold. Slightly refined faces in does. Worth 5 points.
Balanced with the body. Short and thick. Ears should not exceed 3 ½ inches Worth 5 points
Extremely dense. Straight and upright. ideal length of 5/8 inch. Worth 35 points.
condition: per ARBA definition worth 5 points. Senior bucks: 6 months or over, weight 3-4 ¼ pounds. Senior doe 6 months or over, weight 3 ¼ - 4 ½ pounds. Juniors under 6 months, weight 2 – 3 ¾ pounds.
Per individual color description. Recognized verities: Black, Blue, Blue eyed white, Broken, Castor, Chinchilla, Chocolate, Himalayan, Lilac, Lynx, Opal, Otter, Red, Sable point, Tort, Red eyed white. Certificate of development: Sable, Silver marten, Smoke pearl, and Tan. Worth 15 points
Coloration to be a dark, rich, lustrous black. Toenails are to be dark on solids. Eyes are dark brown. Faults: faded, rusty, or sunburned color; scattered white hairs; color that is uneven over entire body. (aaB_C_E)
Coloration to be a dark blue. Medium blue undercolor. Toenails are to be dark on solids. Eyes are a blueish grey. Faults: faded, rusty color; scattered white hairs; frostiness or mealiness; light undercolor; guard hairs that do not match the body color. aa_B_C_ddE
any recognized color in conjuction with white. Eye to match the corresponding solid variety's description. Toenails may be white or colored. Should have a balanced nose marking, eye markings, colored ears, colored tail and body spots. Colored area to be evenly distributed in a spotted, patched or blanketed pattern which covers 10% to 50% of rabbit. Tri color:white with Black & Orange, Lilac & Fawn, Chocolate & Orange, or Blue & Fawn Faults: unbalanced nose markings; unbalanced body markings; scattered white hair in colored areas; tricolors with congested colors.
Coloration is to be a pure white. Eyes blue. Faults: yellow, creamy tinge DQ: any other eye color
Coloration is to be a rich chestnut color slightly tipped with black. The intermediate band is to be a rich rufus red defined over a slate blue undercolor. width of the rufus band and the width of the slate blue band should be equal. Ears are laced in black. Faults:surface color that is too light, too dark, uneven, or gray in appearance; indistinct ring color. DQ:harlequin markings A_B_C_D_E
Coloration is to be a sparkling mix of pearl and black that is lightly tipped with black. Intermediate band is to be pearl over a slate-blue undercolor. Ears are to be laced in black. Faults: surface color that is too light, too dark, uneven, or brownish; indistinct ring color. DQ: Absence of ring color on top or sides of body; harlequin markings. A-B-c(chd)-D-E-
Coloration is to be a lustrous chocolate brown. Dove-grey undercolor. Toenails are to be dark in solids. Brown eyes with a ruby cast permissible. Faults: faded, rusty, or sunburned color; scattered white hairs; color that is not even over the entire body. aabbC_D_E
Body color is to be a bright white with the ears, feet, tail and nose dark blue or black. Toenails are to be dark and the eyes are to be pink. Faults: light, faded, or uneven marking color, light shading on markings; color on dewlap. DQ: any color or smut on the usable portion of the pelt; absence of color on the ears, nose, feet, or tail, white toenails. aaB-c(ch)-D-E-(Black Himi) aaB-c(ch)ddE-(Blue Himi)
Coloration is to be a medium dove grey. Dove grey undercolor. Toenails are to be pigmented and eyes blue- grey with a ruby cast as permissible. Faults: faded, rusty or sunburned color; scattered white hairs; color that uneven over the entire body. aabbC_ddE
Coloration is to be a light fawn color tipped with lilac. Intermediate band is be to bright fawn clearly defined over a bend of white undercolor. Toenails are to be pigmented in solids. Eyes are blueish grey. Faults: surface color that is too light, too dark, uneven or blue in appearance; barred feet; indistinctive ring color; failure to show dove-gray undercolor on belly. DQ:harlequin markings; blue undercolor. A-bbC-ddE-
Coloration is to be a medium blue top color with a fawn intermediate band and a greyish blue undercolor. Toenails are to be dark on solids. Eyes are blueish grey. Faults: surface color that is too light, uneven, or faded in appearance. DQ: white spot(s); white toenail(s); failure to show intermediate fawn ring color; white undercolor; harlequin markings. A-B-C-ddE-
black, blue, chocolate, and lilac. Black otters and chocolate otters will have orange to creamy orange marking color. Blue otters and lilac otters will have fawn marking color. Faults: brown or rusty tinge on body color; orange to creamy orange hairs in areas other than the patterned areas. DQ: white spot’s, lack of belly undercolor as described in the respective variety.
Surface color of body is to be a rich red. Toenails are to be dark in solids. Eyes are brown. Faults: dark ticking which produces a smutty surface color; light ticking which produces a frost surface color; scattered white hairs; failure to show white belly color. DQ: white spot’s; white toenails; blue or gray undercolor. A-B-C-D-ee
Color is to be a rich sepia brown on the nose, ears, feet, legs and tail. The entire body is to be a creamy color with white undercolor. Body surface color is to be lighter than the point color to give the proper contrast. aaB-c(chl)-D-ee
Surface color is to be a dark sepia brown that shades to a lighter brown on the flanks, chest, and belly. Surface color is to extend as far down the shaft as possible to a slightly lighter undercolor. Faults: rusty tinge; failure to show lighter surface color on the belly; scattered white hairs. DQ: white toenail’s; failing to show discernible shading in coloration. aaB-c(chl)c(chl)D-E-
Surface color of the body is to be bright rusty red-orange which blends to a smoky gray-black on the flanks, head, belly and feet. The shading on the head is to be the darkest at the whisker bed and is to blend into a lighter shading along the jaw line. Faults: smutty tinge obscuring the rich orange saddle color; point color or shading color too light; scattered white hairs. DQ: white belly or tail; white toenail’s; white spot’s. aaB_C_D_ee
surface and undercolor is to be a pure white. Eyes are pink. Faults: creamy tinge, yellow tinge; stained or dirty
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