3 3 I.Simply Christians. A. Disciples (i.e. followers) of Jesus. Matthew 28:18-20 B. Disciples called Christians. Acts 11:26; I Peter 4:15,16 C. Salvation is in the name of Christ. Acts 4:8-12 Three Great Objectives
3 3 II. Bible Names for Bible Things. Priests - I Peter 2:4-5, 9 Pastors - I Peter 5:1,2 II Timothy 2:14-16 A. Speak as the oracles of God. I Peter 4:10,11 B. Sound words. II Timothy 1:13 Three Great Objectives
3 3 III. No Creeds but the Bible. “Tradition of the Elders” Matthew 15:1-3 A. The Doctrine of Christ. II John 9,10 B. The Apostles’ Doctrine. Acts 2:36-42; Matthew 28:20 C. The Bible is what is profitable for doctrine. II Timothy 3:16,17 D. The Bible is what can make one wise for salvation. II Timothy 3:14,15