Alex Bell-Rowe Vice-President (Education) of ALSA, 2015/16 ALSA’s Media Spokesperson In charge of the Higher Education aspect of the portfolio Committed to pushing positive change through advocacy Broke his arm flying a paper airplane Contact me at: Vice-President (Education) of ALSA, 2015/16 ALSA’s Media Spokesperson In charge of the Higher Education aspect of the portfolio Committed to pushing positive change through advocacy Broke his arm flying a paper airplane Contact me at:
Albert Patajo Education Officer of ALSA, 2015/2016. Previous Vice-President (Education) at ANULSS Dedicated to Higher Education Producing the ALSA Internal Advocacy Guide Met Jesse Eisenberg Once Contact him at: Education Officer of ALSA, 2015/2016. Previous Vice-President (Education) at ANULSS Dedicated to Higher Education Producing the ALSA Internal Advocacy Guide Met Jesse Eisenberg Once Contact him at:
Chris Burch Education Officer of ALSA, 2015/2016. Vice-President (Education) at UWA LSS (Blackstone) Working on the Mental Health side of ALSA Producing a practical guide to mental health awareness. Once pushed over an Emu Contact him at: Education Officer of ALSA, 2015/2016. Vice-President (Education) at UWA LSS (Blackstone) Working on the Mental Health side of ALSA Producing a practical guide to mental health awareness. Once pushed over an Emu Contact him at:
Lachlan Robb Careers Officer of ALSA, 2014/2015 Working on the International Careers Guide, and updating the Judges Associateships Guide and Public Interest Careers Guide Secretly a ghost-writer Contact him at: Careers Officer of ALSA, 2014/2015 Working on the International Careers Guide, and updating the Judges Associateships Guide and Public Interest Careers Guide Secretly a ghost-writer Contact him at:
HIGHER EDUCATION Voicing the national concerns of Australian Law Students Conducting Widespread Consultations with external bodies, including the Australian Council of Law Deans Keeping Australian Law Students informed about changes to higher education policies Producing ALSA Factsheets
HIGHER EDUCATION Concerns of raising the FEE-Help Cap Addressing the Oversupply of Graduates Addressing the issue of declarations before admission Fighting the barriers to entry for indigenous students Advocating for Tax-Exempt status for LSS/LSAs Other issues as directed by council?
MENTAL HEALTH INITIATIVES Mental Health awareness and action guide Drafting best practice guidelines for universities and LSS/LSAs to follow National Mental Health services guide Closer ties with TJMF Issue to Issue guides as they are raised.
CAREER INITIATIVES International Careers Guide Updating the Public Interest Careers Guide Updating Judges’ Associateships’ Guide Public Interest Careers Fair, Co-Hosted by the NSW Young Lawyers at ALSA Conference
ALSA ACADEMIC JOURNAL Transforming into a Peer-reviewed Journal Extending a Call for Contributions for Early March and end of June submission deadline Hopefully will produce an extensive 2015/16 journal Academic contributions
LSS/LSA Support How-To- Guides for LSS/LSA Student Representatives Encouraging open dialogue at council about LSS/LSA Student Rep pressures Providing Student Reps with a supportive forum Voicing concerns of LSS/LSA on issues such as current sponsorship model We want to keep LSS/LSA Reps HAPPY!
Knowledge Sharing How-To- Guides for LSS/LSA Student Representatives Encouraging open dialogue at council about LSS/LSA Student Rep pressures Providing Student Reps with a supportive forum Voicing concerns of LSS/LSA on issues such as current sponsorship model We want to keep LSS/LSA Reps HAPPY!
… BUT, IT STARTS WITH YOU Busy times ahead, but we need your involvement Get in contact if you want to support the ALSA Education Team or our initiatives The direction of the education team is set by council and our members Contact me at: or