The peer mentors are year eight, nine and ten students. They have been specially trained by Miss. Saggerson and Mrs. Ellenthorpe to assist pupils in social problems such as bullying. There are one hundred and twenty peer mentors in school. Anybody can talk to a mentor, and they will always listen to you, and try their best to help you in solving or coping with your problem. Who are the peer mentors?
Simple – all peer mentors are easy to spot, because they all wear a blue tie. Peer mentors are all around school at breaks and lunchtimes. The idea of a peer mentor is that they are people of roughly your age, who you can talk to informally and comfortably. We are always happy to talk to people, and help them in any way we can. Also, the adult mentors, (Miss. Saggerson and Mrs. Ellenthorpe) are available in Pupil Services. How do I recognise a mentor?
Yes. You can talk to a mentor in absolute confidence. They will not take sides, and will not complicate matters. If however, a situation is very serious, and beyond the control of a peer mentor, they will be forced to inform an adult member of staff. Will a mentor keep what I say to themselves?
Bullying is trying to make somebody feel uncomfortable. It can be done in many ways. These include: What is bullying? “Ugly idiot!” U r a loser If you are being, or know of anyone who is being bullied, it is very important that you tell someone.
Mentors are happy to help – even if you just need advice on how to resolve a simple conflict, or just want to talk to somebody! We love making new friends and talking to new people, so don’t be shy!!
Bullying is absolutely unacceptable, and nobody has to tolerate it. If you are being bullied, you must TELL SOMEONE. You might not think so, but telling someone is the best solution for both you and the bully. That’s why mentors are always there, and prepared to help. Help us to make Standish Community High School a better, happier place.
By Phoebe McGibbon (8T)
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