Steve Andre Eric Glover Shaun Greene Russell Willmot.


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Presentation transcript:

Steve Andre Eric Glover Shaun Greene Russell Willmot

An ability to: 1. display a pattern with rotating LEDs 2. control the direction in which the pattern is being projected 3. track the angle of arrival of an RF beacon 4. update a projected image while the machine is in operation 5. accept user-generated input to change display

Potential Injury to User ( HIGH ) = failures/10 6 hours Damage to POV Machine or Parts (MEDIUM) < failures/10 6 hours POV Machine functional problems ( LOW ) < failures/10 6 hours

PIC24FJ64GA004 Microcontroller Receives data from transceiver Sends data and latching signals to LED Post TI 5V Switching Regulator (TPS54357PWP) Rotating board- Regulates voltage from slip rings Stationary board – Regulates voltage from bridge rectifier TI 3.3V LDO Regulator (TPS77833D) Utilized on rotating and stationary boards

Failure No. Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of Detection CriticalityRemarks 1 None or only partial illumination of LEDs PIC Microcontroller SPI module not working, does not properly send data to LED Drivers (data, latch, chip enable), data from transceiver not read properly, oscillator doesn’t work None or only partial illumination of LEDs LOW 2 POV image does not update SPI module not working Projected image does not update, no communication with transceiver POV image does not update when user selects new image, or user RF Beacon moves LOW 3 POV Image randomly wanders Pulse Accumulator or IR Sensor not working properly Microcontroller does not properly ready zero-position so POV image randomly wanders Zero-positioning “wanders” LOW

Failure No. Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of Detection CriticalityRemarks 1Output Voltage = 0V Switching regulator is fried, input voltage = 0. Nothing turns on MEDIUM 2Output Voltage consistently not 5 Volts Improper read on feedback pin (VSENSE), bypass caps shorted, overloading, excessive heat Chips are fried, unpredictable Chips overheat, catch on fire, etc. HIGH 3Noisy Output Voltage Excessively noisy input voltages, noisy feedback voltages, high inductive or capacitive transient loading Glitches in digital logic, Unpredictable, 3.3 Volt regulator shutdown Random behavior from POV Machine MEDIUM

Failure No. Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of Detection CriticalityRemarks 1Output Voltage = 0V Switching regulator is fried, input voltage = 0. Nothing turns on MEDIUM 2Output Voltage consistently not 3.3 Volts Bypass caps shorted, overloading, overheating Chips are fried, unpredictable Chips overheat, catch on fire, etc. HIGH 3Noisy Output Voltage Excessively noisy input voltages, noisy feedback voltages, high inductive or capacitive transient loading Unpredictable, Glitches in digital logic Random behavior from POV Machine MEDIUM