Gospel of Mark Suffering Sevant
Portrait of Christ Suffering Servant **humanity and suffering of Jesus --through Jesus’ actions we learn how we are to live Messianic Secret: when those who recofnize that Jesus is Messiah he silents them Paschal mystery → paradox that Jesus must suffer and die to save us from our sins and he will be raised in glory
Our call to Conversion Wealth and possesssions can be distractions → selfishness People are blinded and confused by their own personal ambition → may not hear the message of Christ (selfless and charity)
People to look for... Prophet Isaiah (Suffering Servant...who does this remind us of?) John the Baptist → the voice in the desert, pave the way of the faithful Mary Mother of Jesus Mary Madgalene Peter, John, James (Transfiguration) Sanhedrin Pontius Pilate
What we learn The importance of prayer and faith Faith allows us to overcome fear (Agony in the Garden) We have to embrace our cross We find hope and strength knowing that Christ too suffered → sufferedc for us