Participatory School Profile Project across 4 cities Funded by Sir Ratan Tata Trust Oct-2011 to Jan-2012 Presented by : Karthik M Programme Officer-Corporate and Community Initiatives
Project Goals & Objectives and Scope The Proposed Project seeks to energize and reorient the school-profile covering 20 CMCA schools
Expected Outcomes Improved infrastructure in targeted schools favoring students Students in targeted schools would be more aware of their Rights in general and their Rights under Right to Education and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in particular Students from the targeted schools will be empowered to monitor and secure their entitlements under the SSA Targeted schools and managements will develop a culture of involving and consulting students within structured and institutional mechanisms that are democratic and transparent
All targeted Civic Clubs would run 1 awareness campaign All targeted Civic Clubs will take specific steps towards one act of active citizenship All schools will conduct a simple audit of their entitlements under RTE and SSA Expected Outputs
STAGES StagesTime frame Preparatory StageOctober to November 2011 Implementation StageNovember to Mid December 2011 School based advocacy Stage Mid December to January 2012 Documentation and Reporting Stage Ongoing
Prepare instruments for school profile for data collection School Identification Entitlements details Pilot testing of Instrument Pre intervention testing Data collection Sampling Data entry Analysis Stage 1 : Preparatory Stage
Training of civic tutors Orientation Pre Intervention awareness testing on entitlements Appraising Preparatory Stage Contd…
Awareness Building (How kids will be trained?) Data collection for school profile Post intervention awareness testing on entitlements School profile report for each school ( 2 pages) Stage 2 : Implementation Stage
Using school profile report to stimulate positive changes Advocacy strategies would vary from school to school depending on how proactive the school management is and the status of entitlements At the minimum, the school profile findings must be presented to the school management by the children Stage 3 : School Based Advocacy to stimulate action
A comprehensive report of the three stages of project implementation which also includes: Changes in levels of awareness in children School profile data of all the participating schools Status of entitlements in each school Advocacy strategies pursued and actions taken Impacts Testimonials Stage 4 : Documentation and Dissemination
The total estimated cost is INR 3 lakhs of which 1.2 lakhs has been allocated towards training & orientation, travel, pre-post awareness testing, incidental costs and balance towards personnel costs Budget Estimate
Schools Identification Approach the respective HM’s / Principals and highlight our program objectives and seek endorsement To ensure the volunteers/civic tutors are identified and deputed for the training Mumbai city coordinator requested to obtain the entitlements detail list from the education department Any suggestions, ideas ? Immediate support expected from city coordinators….
13 No. 346, 3rd Cross, 8th 'A' Main, 4th block, Koramangala, Bangalore Ph: / , THANK YOU VERY MUCH