Computer software: There are at least six step developmental procedures the programmer: Define problem Make or buy decision Design program Code program Debug program Document program
Programming The program is coded or written in a programming language available to the computer system. Five generators of programming languages are now available.
Programming languages: Machine first generation (least advanced) Assembly second generation Procedural third generation Problem oriented fourth generation Natural fifth generation (most advanced)
Procedural languages They are high-level languages because they are similar to human languages. They include: BASIC–COBOL– FORTRAN –PASCAL– C
Problem oriented languages They were developed to simplify the programming process and are intended for use in specific applications
Natural languages They are the highest level of programmable languages. The goal of these languages is to resemble human speech. They are applied to expert systems and artificial intelligence applications.
Applications at software They are programs developed to perform specific types of work such as the creation of text and images, manipulation of words and numbers or communication of information.
Applications at software Five general-purpose applications programs are common. There are intended for words processing, spreadsheets, graphics, database management and communications. If all these applications programs are available in one package, it is referred to as Integrated software Example: Microsoft works, first choice, framework and symphony
Operating systems An operating system (OS) is a program that controls the collection and usage of computer hardware resources such as memory, central processing unit (CPU) time, disk space and peripheral devices.
System software Are programs and data that comprise and relate to OS. They include at least four types of programs:- 1- a bootstrap loader 2- diagnostic routines 3- input – output system programs 4- the OS
System software The bootstrap loader: Is a program stored in ROM that starts up the computer and loads the OS into primary memory. Diagnostic routines Ensure the CPU, the primary memory and other internal hardware are in proper working order.
System software The OS: Performs system initialization, memory and file management, and input-output control. It also facilitates multitasking and multiprocessing, depending on its capabilities.
Software interfacing It is the point which a connection is made between two elements so they can work together. There are three types of software interfaces: Command-driven Menu-driven Graphic interfaces
Command-driven Is characteristic of command-driven programs, which require the user to type in commands from the computer console to initiate the operation of the system. The user must therefore learn and remember a set of commands for previous programs. Example: DIR or dir Enables the user of IBM or IBM-compatible microcomputers to look at the system directry.
Menu-driven programs Use menu-driven interfaces that allow the user to select commands from a displayed list, menu list, displayed bar or menu bar. This is easier because they do not have to remember numerous commands. Therefore, they are user friendly programs.
Graphic interface Enables the user to chose commands, start programs and see lists of files and other options by pointing to pictorial representations (icons) and lusts of menu items on the screen. The concept was developed by Xerox and originally used by Apple to develop the Macintosh operating system. It is also available for IBM microcomputers as Microsoft Windows or Windows
Windows Two important characteristics of windows: Plug-and-ply technology: Enables the computer to automatically configure it self when anything new is added. Object-linking and embedding technology: Allows the user to link or embed documents
Windows NT Is noted for its stability and is best suited to networked environments, making it a candidates for use in the digital radiology department. Windows NT is already used in several work stations for medical imaging.