WHAT IS EROSION The detachment and transportation of soil particles from one place to other by running water, wind and moving. WHY?
METHODS Spreading varieties Strip cropping Cover cropping Wind breaks Crop rotation
CONT….. Check surface run off Terracing Contouring Benching Grading Deep ploughing
CONT…. Mulching Stone wall Broad base terracing…...
Types of Terraces Bench terraces. Contour terraces. Parallel terraces.
Bench Terraces Bench terraces reduce land slope and allow run-off from the upper side of the terrace to go into a lower portion where it spreads out and infiltrates.
Contour Terraces terraces with their point rows and grassed waterway outlets, that follow the lay-of-the- land. contour terraces may have level channels to collect and hold the water until it seeps into the soil. Contour
Parallel Terraces Parallel terraces are constructed parallel to each other. Parallel terraces eliminate the production losses.
Broad based terraces A series of shallow, broad based terraces constructed on gently sloping land at a suitable spacing along the contour lines.
STRIP CROPPING Crop planting in which wide rows of heavy-rooted plants are alternated with loose-rooted plants so as to lessen erosion, as on a hillside
MULCHING: It is protective cover provided to soil by tillage practices, grasses, crop residues or any other material, which is termed as mulch and this practice is known as mulchingIt is protective cover provided to soil by tillage practices, grasses, crop residues or any other material, which is termed as mulch and this practice is known as mulching
Effects of mulching Resistance to detachment by wind & water erosion. -Increase porosity and water holding capacity. -Increase percolation & infiltration. -Decrease runoff & evaporation. -Decrease wind velocityResistance to detachment by wind & water erosion. -Increase porosity and water holding capacity. -Increase percolation & infiltration. -Decrease runoff & evaporation. -Decrease wind velocity
Stone walls Using stones to construct at a suitable spacing on crop land along contour lines Effects, To makes good use of rocks and stones To reduce soil and water losses
Cover Crop Plants which are grown to cover the surface of the ground with dense foliage, to control soil erosion and improve the soil.
Effects To protect the surface of the soil from splashing of rain drops. To built up soil organic matter To suppress weed growth and surface management cost
Green manure A green manure crop is grown specially to improve soil and act as a fertilizer, It is plowed into soil while still green or shortly after it matures.
Grass barriers Contour planting of suitable spaced strips of grass on slope land. >Effects. To arrest runoff so as to reduce soil and water losses and to hold soil and prevent it from being washed down.
Windbreaks Strips of trees or tall grasses planted at appropriate intervals to prevent or reduce wind erosion and crop losses caused by wind
Contour planting This is the practice of planting and cultivating of crops following the contours of the land. Effects –runoff control and soil erosion. To increase water penetration into soil and conserve soil moisture
Diversion ditches A ditch constructed approximately along the contour of a slope for the purpose of intercepting surface and diverting it to a suitable outlet
Field borders bands or strips of permanent vegetation at the edge of a field. Filter strips strips of permanent vegetation used to reduce sediment, organic materials, nutrients, pesticides, and other contaminants from runoff.
Changing Slope Steepness and Length Slope steepness can be changed by the construction of level terraces. Slope length can be changed by installing terraces and diversions that divert runoff.