LO: To be able to interpret graphs to explain if the climate is changing To be able to construct a diagram to show the greenhouse effect To explain the natural causes of climate change To explain the human causes of climate change
How has the Earth's average surface temperature changed in the last 1000 years?
Total emissions of CO 2 from fossil fuel burning
Homo Sapiens Industrialisation
Task Using the information on the previous slides and the information from this video: dbXx0 Write a summary to describe the fluctuations in climate LO: To be able to interpret graphs to explain if the climate is changing
The Earth’s climate is affected by the conditions and the components that make up the Earth’s atmosphere. How is the Earth warmed? Over 98% of the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of the gases nitrogen and oxygen. Argon, carbon dioxide, small amounts of other gases and water vapour make up the remaining 2% of the atmosphere. Together, this combination of gases is commonly known as air. LO:To be able to construct a diagram to show the greenhouse effect
The Earth’s atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse. It is needed to keep the planet warm enough for life to exist. Sunlight passes through the Earth’s atmosphere and the Earth gives out infrared radiation. However, the presence of too many greenhouse gases can have a negative impact on the Earth. Having some greenhouse gases is a good thing. If it wasn’t for these gases, Earth would be too cold to live on! Certain gases trap some radiation in the atmosphere, which keeps the Earth warm. This is called the greenhouse effect. Life in the greenhouse
The greenhouse effect
Testing terms
Greenhouse gases
Solar Energy Reflected by the atmosphere into space. Solar energy heats Earth. Earth radiates heat. GREENHOUSE GASES Heat is retained by greenhouse gases and warms the atmosphere- Global Warming Heat lost to space
GREENHOUSE GASES Deforestation means less Carbon Dioxide is taken in, some trees are burnt releasing Carbon Dioxide. Farming rice and cattle releases methane. Greenhouse gases increase. More heat is trapped, warming the Earth. Burning fossil fuels releases Carbon Dioxide.
Task: use the information on the previous slides to construct a diagram of the enhanced greenhouse effect
Watch the video clip…. Using the information complete a table to explain the human and natural causes of climate change Video- Climate change the causes: T:\BSH \GEOGRAPHY\2011 files\Geography\a. KS3\year 8\4. Global Warming and My Carbon Footprint\1. What is climate ChangeT:\BSH \GEOGRAPHY\2011 files\Geography\a. KS3\year 8\4. Global Warming and My Carbon Footprint\1. What is climate Change LO: To explain the natural causes of climate change To explain the human causes of climate change
Global Warming Causes Negative Impacts Solutions Positive Impacts Complete summary card sort