LHC Fri 6 & Sat 7 Nov :00 End instabilities MD, dump to refresh air at dump TDE cavern 08:00 Access for vacuum team at the TDE starting 10:30 Access finished, start pre-cycle 10:55 BLM front-end problem point 3, change CPU 12:00 Injecting for Crystal extraction MD, active halo control & BSRT 13:00 Crystal channelling at injection 14:30 First ramp, dumped at 15:05 due to ‘cryo trip’ of MS.R5, action taken to reduce CS warning level and increase speed of PID 16:40 Dump at injection due to ROD.A4B2 circuit trip 17:15 Ramping again, channelling found at 6.5 TeV 18:51 Beams dumped 19:45 Injecting for Optics team, non linear errors MD 20:40 Ramp. Some problems collimators and orbit correction. Solved. 23:30 Squeezed to 40 cm, ready for optics measurements 00:23 Beams dumped, QPS trigger RSD1.A34B2 LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT107/11/2015
LHC Fri 6 & Sat 7 Nov :00 BETS-TCDQ interlock on beam dump reset by specialist 02:47 B1 injection septum tripped since then no B1 anymore until this morning. WIC TI2 is bad for all warm magnets of the line. Access TI2 soon. 03:44 injecting B2 05:45 Stop beam with TCP IP3, shower tripped ATLAS Performing ballistic optics MD with B2 only 2LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT07/11/2015
Summary Active Halo Control MD ADT narrow-band excitation of bunches with pre-blown tails Frequency scans performed for B2H, then repeating fixed frequency excitation as in last MD (0.295) No significant losses were observed Losses occurred when moving closer to tune of Fast sweep with octupoles off, did not produce significant losses. Data to be analysed offline 3LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT07/11/2015 Roderick & Collimation Team
BSRT MD 4LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT07/11/2015
Crystal Collimation MD 5LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT07/11/2015 Traditionally busy in the control room with Stefano and large collimation & UA9 team
IR Non-linear MD Started at 8 at injection. At flattop there were problems with the settings and the reference orbit. Main sextupoles in 34 B2 tripped at ~12:20 just after we had set-up for the first scan. Being back at injection at ~2am would not allow time for any measurement at 40cm (next MD should start at 4am at inj.) so we decided to start the spare MD "chromatic amplitude detuning" at injection. 6LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT07/11/2015
Pressure B2 dump block TDE 7LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT07/11/2015 TDE N2 bottle Intervention Intervention AM: no leak found, but N2 bottle was found closed opened Around 17:00: bottle starts to top-up the TDE, compensating the leak If we are sure that the pressure measured is the pressure in the TDE we can lift the present intensity restrictions. Intervention foreseen Monday, TS3.
Status of MD3 Block 8LHC Morning meeting – JU, ML & RT06/11/2015 New Ongoing, B2 only