Preparations for the 2016 Municipal Elections 16 February 2016
Context of LGE 2016 Reduced number of Category B Municipalities: from 234 to 213. Total number of municipalities reduced from 278 to 257 (including 44 Category C Municipalities). Demarcation processes concluded in December Outstanding demarcation matters which arise only ahead of municipal elections (Moutse, Matatiele, Bushbuckridge, etc.) Increased number of court challenges. Implications for voters following Constitutional Court Judgement in the Tlokwe Matter. Youthful registration gap. Anticipated challenges to matters connected to the enforcement of the Electoral Code of Conduct. 2
Voters’ Roll 40% growth in voters’ roll 4 Election YearTotal Voters’ Roll million million million million million million
Voting Districts 51% growth in number of Voting Districts 5 Election YearTotal Voting Districts
Municipal Landscape PROVINCEMunicipalitiesWardsVoting Districts Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga Northern Cape Limpopo North West Western Cape TOTAL
Voter Turnout (NPE) 7 ElectionRegistered voters Votes castVoter turnout million million89.3% million million76.73% million17.91 million77.3% million18.65 million73.48%
Voter Turnout (ME) 8 ElectionRegistered voters Votes castVoter turnout million8. 86 million48.07% million10.16 million48.40% million13.66 million57.6%
Preparations for the Elections Legislative amendments expected to be finalised by end of February 2016 MDB concluded demarcation in December IEC has finalized reviewing its network of voting district boundaries that may have been impacted by LGE 2016 ward boundaries Cessation of by-elections Factored ConCourt judgement in the 2016 Elections programme. Reviewed electoral staff recruitment criteria and agreed same with political parties. Recruited election expansion staff as well as registration officials. Concluded procurement of registration materials. Now finalising Election Day procurement. 9
Preparations for the Elections Ongoing consultations with the key stakeholders (incl. Minister for CoGTA). Finalising the matters connected to the independent audit of the results systems to be used in the 2015 Elections, to be followed by independent audits by political parties. Testing the key systems involved in the 2016 Elections to be completed by the first quarter of Finalising the development of the electronic system to be used as an alternative to the manual submission of lists by parties and candidates. The IEC Contact Centre has already been activated and has been running since November Continuing to brief registered parties and electoral stakeholders on the preparations for these elections. At least two dry runs to be undertaken before Election Day. 10
Key Communication Initiatives for LGE Update and grow voters’ roll Add new voters Update moved voters Update changes to Voting Districts 2.Educate voters Who, What, When, Where and How And WHY they should vote 3.Grow faith and trust in electoral process Transparency Veracity 4.Ensure conditions conducive to free and fair elections Tolerance and respect Code of Conduct 11
1. Grow voters’ roll 12 Encouraging younger and especially first-time voters is key to on-going credibility and success of elections Update voters who have moved since last election Changes to VDs
2. Educate voters Who: Any SA citizen aged 18 or older on election day What: May vote in the election When: 7am to 7pm on election day (date to be confirmed - Minister of COGTA proclaims) Where: At the voting station for the voting district where you live and have registered. To find it: Call (7am to 9pm) SMS ID number to Voting station finder app on USSD string (*120*IEC#) How: Must be registered at the voting station and bring valid ID 13
3. Grow faith and trust in electoral process Transparency is enhanced via: Published legislation and regulations so everyone knows the process and the rules Ongoing consultations through the Party Liaison Committees Party agents inside voting station to witness voting and counting Observers Briefing all stakeholders constantly Observers, conflict panelists, voter and civic educationists, and media are a vital partner in enhancing transparency and in building trust in the process 14
Grow faith and trust in electoral process cont. Veracity is ensured by: Counting occurs immediately as voting stops Counting is witnessed by party agents and observers Party agents co-sign results slips at each voting station Results slips posted on door of voting station and captured centrally Independent auditors monitor and verify entire process (independent auditing firm) Parties and observers can compare voting station slip results with results captured centrally 15
4. Conditions conducive to free and fair elections Tolerance and respect is only achieved by all stakeholders working together Key role for: Political parties and leaders in managing their supporters and in reducing temperatures Civil society in facilitating tolerance and reducing conflict Media in highlighting issues and hot spots Security forces in monitoring areas Code of Conduct signed and abided by all parties and contestants 16
Contact Centre Contact Centre opened on 9 November 2015 Open from 7am to 9pm weekdays All official languages From January service will include Twitter, Facebook, web-chat and 17
End of Presentation Thank you 18