Current's Speed and Net Water Volume Transport At the surface, it can reach maximum speeds of 200 cm s -1. The undercurrent … flows equator- ward with maximum speeds near cm s -1 Net Transport- the most recent measurements found an average volume transport of 69.7±4.3 Sv 1 Sv = 1 x 10 6 m 3 s -1
Agulhas Rings A ring forms when a meander in a boundary current becomes a loop that pinches off from the main current and moves independently as an eddy. As the Agulhas current reaches Africa's southern tip, part of the current is caught up in the eastward flow around Antarctica and abruptly shifts direction back into the Indian Ocean.
Agulhas Rings continued The Agulhas Current periodically sheds rings about 320 km (200 mi) across from its western most end. The Agulhas Current's warm-core rings rotate counterclockwise and contain Indian Ocean waters that are about 5 Celsius degrees (9 Fahrenheit degrees) warmer than nearby South Atlantic surface waters. transports heat, salt and organisms from the Indian Ocean into the South Atlantic.
Sea Surface Temperature (January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013)
References lhas.html lhas.html tm tm ent.php ent.php oflection.php oflection.php