THE REDEEMER REVEALS HIS GLORY Exodus 5:1-7:25 The judgement of GOD is unleashed against the idolatry of Egypt. The redemption of the nation Israel has begun…..!!
The redemption of GOD requires obedience to follow HIS plan for our lives, sometimes strict obedience to GOD is hard and we will not be too popular. (Peter said…”We cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard”) Acts 4:19-20 We will meet opposition to applying GOD’s will to our daily lives. It is the privilege we have for being an Ambassador of the King.
Question: 1.) Have you ever experienced opposition when trying to do what GOD has told you to do….? 2.) Why do you think so many assume obedience leads to ease and comfort, instead of difficulty and resistance…?
GOD reveals his glory by challenging the powerful…. Exodus 5:1-9 “LET MY PEOPLE GO” (“If there is no opposition, there is no victory…”) Adrian Rogers
Moses and Aaron were bold in there approach and demands of Pharaoh, “By Faith Moses left Egypt behind, not being afraid of the Pharaoh’s anger, for Moses persevered as one who sees him who is invisible…” Hebrews 11:27
“True faith and suffering frequently go hand-in- hand…Living for Christ, walking in his way, will not be an easy path…” -Billy Graham
GOD reveals his glory by comforting his people…. Exodus 6:2-9 GOD gave Moses 4 “I Will” promises to complete the establishment of Israel as the Nation of Abraham’s Covenant: LIBERATION… Exodus 6:6a REDEMPTION…Exodus 6:6b ADOPTION…….. Exodus 6:7 INHERITANCE… Exodus 6:8
God’s Promises Do Not Expire, They Are For Now And For Eternity LIBERATION LIBERATION “I will deliver you from the forced labor of the Egyptians, and free you from slavery to them…” 6:6a REDEMPTION “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm, and great acts of judgement…” 6:6b ADOPTION “I will take you as my people, and I will be your GOD”. You will know that I am Yahweh your GOD, who delivers you from the forced labor of the Egyptians.” 6:7 INHERITANCE “I will bring you to the land I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and I will give it to you as a possession.” 6:8
GOD reveals His glory by confronting false gods… (Exodus 7:14-25) This is what Yahweh says: “Here is how you will know that I am Yahweh. Watch, I will strike the water of the Nile with the staff in my hand, and it will turn to blood. The fish in the Nile will die, the river will stink, and the Egyptians will be unable to drink from it.” EX. 3:14-18
Questions: 1.) What are the false gods our society turns to for Security…? 2.) How does GOD stand over these false God’s in judgement….?
CHRIST CONNECTION Jesus Christ is the sovereign King who promises to return, rescue his people, and put an end to all suffering and oppression