Tenths and Hundredths
4.67 This number is a decimal fraction. It has two parts. whole number 4 decimal fraction.67
$4.67 This number can be split into two parts. whole number of dollars $4 The digits 6 and 7 show parts of a dollar.67
If each square is one cent how much is the square worth. 100c = $1. 1c ==$0.01 2c ==$0.02 3c ==$0.03 4c ==$0.04 5c ==$0.05
If each square is one cent how much is the square worth. 100c = $1. 6c ==$0.06 7c ==$0.07 8c ==$0.08 9c ==$ c ==$0.10
If each square is one penny how much is the square worth. 100p = £1. 11c==$ c==$ c=$ c==$ c==$
If each square is one penny how much is the square worth. 100c = $1. 16c==$ c==$ c==$ c==$ c==$
If each square is one penny how much is the square worth. 100c = $1. $0.10 = 10c $0.20 = 20c $0.30 = 30c $0.40 = 40c $0.50 = 50c $0.60 = 60c $0.70 = 70c $0.80 = 80c $0.90 = 90c $1.00 = 100c
If each square is one penny how much is the square worth. 100c = $1.
Tenths and Hundredths
Tenths and Hundredths
Tenths and Hundredths
A new place Value H T U. t enths h undredths
Tenths and Hundredths
Tenths and Hundredths
Tenths and Hundredths
Tenths and Hundredths
ThHTU Place Value th
Thousands Hundreds Tens Units tenths hundredths ThHTUth
Fractions, Decimal fractions and Percentages 1% ==0.01 2% ==0.02 3% ==0.03 4% ==0.04 5% ==0.05
Percentages, Fractions and Decimal fractions 6% ==0.06 7% ==0.07 8% ==0.08 9% == % ==0.10
Fractions, Percentages, Decimal Fractions 11%== %== %== %== %==
Fraction, Decimal Fractions and Percentages