FINAL LENNE DISEMINATION MEETING December 11 – 14, 2008 REPORT from the Faculty of Geography University of Belgrade By professor Dejan Djordjevic and Tijana Dabovic
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT OUTCOMES Involvement in the creation of two teaching packages: Theory and Methodology Infrastructure Projects Creation of the MASTER Degree Programs at the Faculty of Geography according to the LENNE outcomes; Inclusion of the Landscape Planning in Serbian Planning System.
INVOLVEMENT IN THE CREATION OF TWO TEACHING PACKAGES Active participation at the meetings in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Ljubljana, Bratislava, Vienna and Alnarp; Suggestions for the structure and content of teaching packages; Creation of the references/literature list for both teaching packages.
CREATION OF THE MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMS AT THE FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY ACCORDING TO THE LENNE OUTCOMES Accreditation process of the Faculty of Geography in motion: The proposal given to the Accreditation Commission at the beginning of November 2008; Landscape Planning as a Teaching Package in MASTER Degree Programs of Department of Spatial Planning and Department of Environment, together with basic Planning Theory and Methodology and Planning and Programming of Infrastructure.
INCLUSION OF THE LANDSCAPE PLANNING IN SERBIAN PLANNING SYSTEM The recently founded Scientific Council of the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning of Republic of Serbia; Involvement in the process of making new Planning and Building Act – the implementation of the European Landscape Convention.
PURCHASE OF PC EQUIPMENT The process finished in 2006 List of equipment includes: 1 desktop computer 3 laptop computers 1 scanner Additional hardware: integrated microphones and headphones, uninterrupted power source.
PURCHASE OF LITERATURE The administrative part is finished; waiting for the book delivery. 12 titles, 950 euros.