School Council – students have the right to have their voices heard in the running of the school Pupil Voice – Students give their views about how subjects are taught and how their work is assessed.
School Development Plan – Student council are always consulted on plans for the future Lessons – Student’s opinions are always listened to and valued by everyone at Malden Oaks
Making decisions and planning – Year 11 are busy planning their prom. School Council help to interview new staff. The Jack Petchey award scheme allows students to nominate someone deserving of the award.
Fairness and Rules – All students are treated equally and the rules are created for everyone’s safety and enable personal growth and decision-making. All students at Malden Oaks are able to take part in sporting activities and be a member of a team
Prison Visit – Students have the chance to visit a prison The Police – Police officers often visit The Dukes Centre and talk to students to strengthen relationships and respect for the rule of law
Good Choices – Students choose which activity they would like to take part in on a Wednesday afternoon, learning new skills and having fun.
Thinking critically – During lesson time, tutor time and in School Council meetings students are encouraged to think critically about many issues that affect them and the Malden Oaks community
Rights and Personal Freedoms – are explored during PSHE and Ethics lessons and students are able to talk through their own rights and those of others, understanding the world around them
Relationships – Malden Oaks staff and students have close working relationships based on mutual respect and communication and positive behaviour is encouraged and rewarded.
Tolerance – Through literature, PSHE, Ethics and visits to places of cultural significance Malden Oaks students are enabled to embrace and understand other faiths and beliefs.
Tolerance – Opinions which are contrary to British Values of tolerance are actively challenged in a safe and measured way through discussion during lesson time or recreational activities.