The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Emission line outflows: the evidence for AGN-induced feedback Clive Tadhunter (Sheffield), Raffaella Morganti (ASTRON) Joanna Holt University of Sheffield
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Introduction case study: PKS (Holt et al. 2006) –the radio properties –the emission line outflow –young radio source with a natal cocoon? –the nature of the AGN & the outflow outflows in other young (compact) radio sources
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : z = compact –one-sided radio jet (VLBI) –~420 pc flat radio spectrum variable core suggests radio axis is close to L.O.S. (King 1996) 2.3 GHz young radio source
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : z = compact –one-sided radio jet (VLBI) –~420 pc flat radio spectrum variable core suggests radio axis close to L.O.S. but we see significant HI absorption! (King 1996) (Morganti et al. 2001) 2.3 GHz young radio source
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS Wavelength (Å) Relative flux [O III]λλ4959,5007 z = ± FWHM ~ 1350 km s -1 [O II] [Ne III] [O III] HH [Ne V] [O II]λ3727 z = ± FWHM ~ 650 km s -1 Δ z ~ 600 km s -1 outflows in the ionised gas? Tadhunter et al. (2001)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec E N Holt et al. (2006) high surface brightness elongation to N (4 arcsec/10 kpc) pair of tidal tails/edge on loop to S (10 arcsec/24 kpc) fainter jet-like feature to NNE (12 arcsec/29 kpc) knots of emission to SSE & NNW indicative of a recent merger which induced star formation in the halo
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec NTT: PA -5 VLT: PA 75 NTT: PA 25 E N Holt et al. (2006)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec NTT: PA -5 VLT: PA 75 NTT: PA 25 Broad [OIII] (FWHM~1350km/s) Narrow H (FWHM<400km/s) HI BLR NTT+EMMI & VLT+FORS2 Holt et al. (2006) extended line emission S N
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS Broad [OIII] (FWHM~1350km/s) blueshift ~ 680 km s -1 Narrow H (FWHM<400km/s) HI BLR NTT+EMMI & VLT+FORS2 Holt et al. (2006) Flux ( erg s -1 cm -2 Å -1 ) [O III]λλ4959,5007 narrow FWHM ~ 400 km s -1 FWHM ~ 1300 km s -1 broad nucleus VLT: PA 75
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : young radio source? Observer’s L.O.S. [O II]- emitting disk/cocoon young, small scale radio jets expanding through dense cocoon sweep aside gas and dust cause: outflows jet-cloud interactions Tadhunter et al. (2001)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : a hidden quasar? Observer’s L.O.S. [O II]- emitting disk/cocoon young, small scale radio jets expanding through dense cocoon sweep aside gas and dust cause: outflows orientation of PKS radio morphology IR spectra PKS AAT/IRIS2 K-band FWHM=1950 ± 40 km/s Bellamy et al. (2003)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : a hidden quasar? quasar properties: < M v < < A v < 13.2 NTT+SOFI (H+K) VLT+FORS2 Holt et al. (2006) maximum: E(B-V) = 2.92 M V = minimum: E(B-V) = 1.17 M V = average: E(B-V) = 1.72 M V =
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : HST/ACS imaging 0.2 arcsec 1 arcsec WFC continuum image (5900A) HRC [OIII] image erg s -1 cm -2 Å -1 Batcheldor et al. (2006, in prep) F QSO spatially resolved 0.18 arcsec (430 pc) ● mass outflow rate: 0.12 M ๏ < M < 12 M ๏
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : the nature of the AGN narrow line Seyfert I (FWHM Pa 2000 km s -1 ) black hole mass: 3.6 x 10 7 – 2.4 x 10 8 M ๏ high Eddington ratio: 0.3 < L bol /L edd < 35 relatively modest warm gas outflow mass outflow rate: 0.12 M ๏ < M < 12 M ๏ energy flux: 5.1x10 40 < E < 5.1x10 42 erg s x10 -6 < E/L edd < 1.5x10 -4 Holt et al. (2006) (virial) (from M R ) typical of NLS1 larger than most quasars (L bol /L edd < 0.1) ● ● ●
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Summary: PKS compact/young radio source in a recent merger system oriented along L.O.S. –radio: core-jet, variability ………… but see HI absorption! –IR: detection of a moderately extinguished quasar 6.4 < Av < < Mv < AGN properties –FWHM Paα < 2000 km s -1 –0.3 < L bol /L edd < 35 –0.12 M ๏ < M < 12 M ๏ –5.1x10 40 < E < 5.1x10 42 erg s -1 –1.5x10 -6 < E/L edd < 1.5x10 -4 ● ● ● PKS is the type of source the simulations predict at low-z: major merger NLS1 & ULIRG accreting at a high Eddington ratio >> but where is the large-scale outflow?
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Outflows in young radio sources 11/14 show evidence for fast outflows –systemic to broadest component –different distributions: K-S test significance: 99.9% size is important Histograms: systemic-broadest Number of sources Extended radio sources (Taylor 2004) Compact radio sources (Holt 2005) Shift (km s -1 ) GPS CSS Other Holt (2005)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 Outflows in young radio sources 11/14 show evidence for fast outflows –systemic to broadest component –different distributions: K-S test significance: 99.9% size is important orientation may be important Holt (2005)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec NTT: PA -5 VLT: PA 75 NTT: PA 25 Broad [OIII] (FWHM~1350km/s) Narrow H (FWHM<400km/s) HI BLR NTT+EMMI & VLT+FORS2 Holt et al. (2006)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS : the outflow mass outflow rate: filling factor: mass outflow rate: relatively modest warm gas outflow: mass outflow rate: 0.1 M ๏ < M < 10 M ๏ energy flux: 2.7x10 40 < E < 2.7x10 42 erg s < E/L edd < Holt et al. (2006) Hβ h Hβ N V ε = L(Hβ) eff M = N ε υ out A m p ● Hβ h Hβ N r M = 3L(Hβ) out m p eff ● AGN radio jets (assuming spherical outflow) N = electron density, ε = filling factor, A = area υ out = outflow velocity, L(Hβ) = Hβ luminosity, m p = mass of the proton, V = volume of outflow, α = effective Hβ recombination coefficient, h = Planck constant, r = radius of outflow region out = 680 km s -1 r = 430 pc L(Hβ) = 2.8 x erg s < N < 10 4 cm -3
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 PKS VLT+FORS1: Gunn r 5 arcsec NTT: PA -5 VLT: PA 75 NTT: PA 25 Broad [OIII] (FWHM~1350km/s) Narrow H (FWHM<400km/s) HI BLR NTT+EMMI & VLT+FORS2 Holt et al. (2006)
The University of Sheffield Joanna Holt 20 th October 2006 What are compact radio sources? 40% of radio source population –similar radio & optical properties to extended sources intrinsically compact: –Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS)D < 15kpc –Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS)D < 1 kpc believed to be young (e.g. Fanti et al. 1995) : –t dyn ~ 10 2 – 10 3 yrs (e.g. Owsianik et al. 1998) –t sp < 10 4 yrs (e.g. Murgia et al. 1999) ideal for studying the impact of the AGN on the ISM and the host galaxy