Monday, 22nd June 2017 Today it’s the first day in a desert island. There’s a terrible storm. The ship is destroyed. The island is in Indic ocean. I’m.


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Presentation transcript:

Monday, 22nd June 2017 Today it’s the first day in a desert island. There’s a terrible storm. The ship is destroyed. The island is in Indic ocean. I’m alone and very sad. Vanessa B. C

Tuesday, 23 rd June Today it’s the second day in a desert island. I’m very hungry and very thirsty. I can see a river in the middle of the island. I’m very happy. There are pineapples, bananas, coconuts and mangoes. Albert Alsina Tehàs

Wednesday 24th June Today it’s the third day in a desert island. I haven’t got any house. At night, it’s very cold. I go looking for some trunks in the forest to make a tree house. But it’s very difficult. Jessica Vila López

Thursday, 25 th June 2,017 Today it’s the fourth day in a desert island. I’m bored and I can’t find a friend and go home... I’m bored because I eat everyday the same food: pineapples, mangoes... I can’t eat cakes, and sugar.

Friday, 26th June, 2017 Today it’s the fifth day in a desert island. There are a lot of animals: lions, tigers, snakes, mosquitoes, flies, and more other animals. I’m scared of snakes and spiders. I climb up the tree, because the tiger wants to eat me. Laura Petit Sanabria

Saturday, 27 th June 2,017 Today is sixth day in a desert island. I see a ship on the horizon. I build a bonfire and I watch a firework. I can go home to New York. I’m very happy Marcel Eroles Grau