Strategic Plan
2006, 2009, 2012 Dr. Andy Hoh
Agenda Establish Vision Identify the most critical issues Prioritize Issues Develop initiatives Set goals for initiatives Identify board members to implement initiatives
Mission: To positively impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential through mentoring.
Core Values Commitment to youth – We are committed to serving youth with compassion and respect. Safety – The safety and protection of the mentee and mentor is first priority. Integrity and Trust – We are committed to integrity and trust in all relationships Inclusion – We are committed to the inclusion of mentees and mentors from diverse backgrounds.
Vision: To serve 10,000 youth and be nationally recognized as the leading school-based mentoring program by 2015.
Vision: What is the vision for TeamMates of ?
Organizational Structure
Dashboard: Performance Academic Performance 0% Fewer Disciplinary Referral 0% Fewer Unexcused Absences 0%
Dashboard: Students Served Grade Level nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Total
Dashboard: Mentoring Hours Mentoring Hours Hours Hours 24 + Hours Average Hours
Dashboard: Mentoring Hours Avg # Months (Mentor) Avg # Months (Student)
Reasons for ExitsNumber of Exits Mentee moved out of area Mentee changed schools Mentee no longer interested Mentor personal reasons Mentor moved out of area TeamMates ended Match Total Dashboard: Exit Reasons
Dashboards Mentor/Mentee Satisfaction Elements of Effective Practice What else?
Vision: What is the vision for TeamMates of through 2016?
Driving Forces (Strengths) Challenges
Task Action Plan (Year 1): What are the end results? How will end result be measured? Key activities to implement initiative. Individuals responsible. Timeline
Strategic Plan