AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Using simple self-assessment tool to help MFIs assess SPM and plan improvements in line with USSPM Presented at the SPTF Annual Conference in Panama : Networks Meeting on 5 th June 2013
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda SP Initiative at AMFIU: The Context Social Performance Initiative Promoting a renewed vision Capacity Building & TA Increasing compliance to the USSPM Reporting on SP Indicators Strategic Focus on inclusive Finance Social Performance Initiatives Client Protection Initiatives Financial Literacy initiatives
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Mapping USSPM Tools etc - Process General to members for expression of interest to participate Initial awareness workshop for CEOs and SPM focal persons – MOUs signed designed template for assessing compliance to the MFIs Verification of info through one-on-one meetings with CEOs/SPM focal persons at their offices and tools collection Evaluation committee and making improvement plans
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Example of template for assessing compliance (ECLOF Uganda) Slide No. 4/9 STANDARDPRACTICE EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE TOOLS, PRACTICES, MANAGERIAL SOLUTIONS USSPM 1: DEFINE AND MONITOR SOCIAL GOALS 1a. The institution has a strategy to achieve its social goals 1a.1 Social Mission: The institutions social purpose, which serves the broader purposes of increasing access to financial services for the vulnerable or excluded target groups and creating benefits for these clients ECLOF’s mission: To be a leading provider of affordable and socially responsible financial services that economically empower vulnerable communities of Uganda. It targets vulnerable communities of Uganda It aims to meet client needs by providing responsible financial services And aims to achieve economic empowerment of its clients Strategic Plan 1a.2 Target clients: clearly defined by: i) Demography ii)Socio economic status iii) Business Activity iv) Other The Strategic Plan describes ECLOF’s target group as: -People with no collateral -Low income earners (below $1 a day) -The youth -The women -People with little or no formal education Strategic Plan Operations manual
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Template for improvement plans eg from Vision Fund Uganda Practice Identified Gaps Improvements Required Responsible Person Timing 1b.1 The institution collects data using at least one indicator for each of its social goals (defined in 1a) Social indicators developed but not integrated into the institution’s MIS Review VFU’s MIS policy to integrate the social indicators Draw an integration plan by prioritizing key indicators to begin with Upgrade MIS software CEO, OM, SPMO IT, OM 3 rd quarter 4 th Quarter 4 th qtr to 1 st qtr b.2 The institution identifies the following: who collects the data, where the data are stored, and who analyses the data, who verifies the accuracy of the data and how the data are reported and to whom. Data is collected but more “accidentally” than systematically Up-date MIS policy to include data collection and management plan Up-date staff job descriptions to include new roles OM, IT CEO, HRM, Board 3 rd qtr 4 th qtr Slide No. 5/9
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Challenges Existing practice but no supporting documentation/policy and vise versa Tools/practices exist but not used for strategic decision making Quality and usage Partial existence of a practice Establishing “authenticity” of existing practices Competition Disappointments Reservations Busy schedules of MFI staff Attitudes Slide No. 6/9
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Overcoming Challenges Initial Workshop helped to break the ice. Monthly peer learning workshops for experience sharing Sharing tools/practices from other MFIs globally Slide No. 7/9
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Commonly asked questions Slide No. 8/9 Concern over attaining full compliance Assessing commitment and performance of the board Availability of TA Is it possible? What level is good enough? Which are the priority areas? How to get the board to fully commit to improving compliance Is there any board assessment tool? Where and how to access TA to deal with identified gaps How do I know that my manuals/policies are not good enough?
AMFIU Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda Slide No. 9/9 Thanks A lot for listening