Christian Boltanski Sculptor, Photographer, Installation Artist
Biography Born September 6, 1944 in Paris. His father was Jewish and of Ukrainian heritage and his mother was Corsican. Began creating art at age 12. Sometimes collaborates with wife Annette Messager
Art Work Many of his works are meant to memorialize those who died anonymously. Known for Holocaust remembrance pieces. Utilizes light in sculptures and installations. Several of his projects have actual lost property from public spaces like railway stations.
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Monument: The Children Of Dijon
Reserve: Dead Swiss
Reserve: Canada and Reliquery
Reserve of the German Family
Resources Information: Semin, Didier and Christian Boltanski. Christian Boltanski. London: Phaidon Press, Studio: Christian Boltanski. Dec The Tate Magazine. 9 April Images (in presentation order): Boltanski, Christian. Shadows Institute of Contemporary Art, Nagoya, Japan. 9 April Boltanski, Christian. Monument: The Children of Dijon Salpetriere Chapel, Paris. 9 April Boltanski, Christian. Reserve: The Dead Swiss Whitechapel Art Gallery, London. 9 April Boltanski, Christian. Reserve: Canada and the Reliquery Ydessa Hendeles Foundation, Toronto. 9 April Boltanski, Christian. Time Bolanski, Christian. Reserve of the German Family