Georgia Milestone Assessments Bryant Elementary School 1"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
What are the Milestone Assessments? A single program and not a series of tests grades 3-12 Provides a consistent measure including a national comparison Combines reading, language arts, and writing into a single measure to align to standards 2"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
What is the purpose of state-mandated assessments? Measure how well students have learned the content ( Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies ) Results are used to determine the need for additional support or acceleration Results are used for school and district accountability 3"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
Why new assessments? Provide a better measure of students’ deeper understanding of the content Address concerns that the old assessment was a measure of students’ ability to memorize facts 4"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
How are these assessments different from the CRCT? Students need to know more than just the answer Students need to cite evidence to supports their answer Open-ended items (constructed responses) require short answer and extended type responses Provides a better picture of students’ progress through the grade levels Identify gaps in students’ academic progress 5"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
Language Arts Assessments will Demonstrate: Ability to read and comprehend texts of varying complexities Ability to summarize key points to support their opinion (cite evidence) The degree to which a student can use context to determine the meaning of academic vocabulary Writing is CRITICAL! 6"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
Math Assessments will Demonstrate: Ability to understand and use important math ideas, including number sense, algebraic thinking, geometry, and data analysis Degree to which students can use math facts and reasoning skills to solve real-world problems How well students can make mathematical arguments 7"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
Benefits in the Future: Eventually computer-based tests will replace paper and pencil which will lead to results being provided more quickly Parents will be able to use this information to communicate with teachers and administrators about their child’s progress Compare student progress across schools, districts, and nationally Designed to provide accurate measures of achievement and growth for all students, including those with disabilities and English learners 8"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
Student Performance on Milestones EOG Assessments – English Language Arts 3 rd Grade English Language Arts Mean Scale ScorePercent ProficientPercent in Levels 2-4 School Cobb State th Grade English Language Arts School Cobb State th Grade English Language Arts School Cobb State "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS" 9
Student Performance on Milestones EOG Assessments – Mathematics 3 rd Grade Mathematics Mean Scale ScorePercent ProficientPercent in Levels 2-4 School Cobb State th Grade Mathematics School Cobb State th Grade Mathematics School Cobb State "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS" 10
Student Performance on Milestones EOG Assessments – Science 3 rd Grade Science Mean Scale ScorePercent ProficientPercent in Levels 2-4 School Cobb State th Grade Science School Cobb State th Grade Science School Cobb State "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS" 11
Student Performance on Milestones EOG Assessments – Social Studies 3 rd Grade Social Studies Mean Scale ScorePercent ProficientPercent in Levels 2-4 School Cobb State th Grade Social Studies School Cobb State th Grade Social Studies School Cobb State "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS" 12
Student Performance on Milestones EOG Assessments – Lexile Distribution 3 rd Grade Lexiles MeanLowMediumHigh School Cobb State th Grade Lexiles School Cobb State th Grade Lexiles School Cobb State "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS" 13
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Bryant’s Strengths Small group guided instruction is occurring at least 3 times a week throughout K-5 th 60% of our scholars are currently reading on grade level The RTI process has helped to close the achievement gap for many scholars Offering tutoring in grades K-2 nd has helped to remediate learning early Support Staff (EIP, ESOL, Reading Recovery, & Special Education 18 "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
Bryant’s Areas of Concern 40 % of our scholars are not reading on grade level Limited skills with technology – Typing, using a mouse, etc. for online testing 19"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
What Parents Can Expect These scores cannot be compared to scores from previous years of the CRCT The assessments measure deeper knowledge including problem-solving, writing, and critical thinking 20 "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
What can I do as a parent at home? ELA Read as much non-fiction as fiction Learn about the world by reading Read more challenging material Talk about reading using “evidence” Write about reading using “evidence” Build vocabulary in real world situations Math Use Math facts easily Think fast and solve problems Use Math in real world situations Be aware of the priorities for your child at that grade level 21 Give your child a chance to practice (test prep materials, online resources, etc.) Put your child at ease (assure them that it is only ONE measure, share your experience with testing, etc.) "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"
What can I do as a parent at home? Go to: Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx – Study guides – Videos – Understanding Score Reports "Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"22
Questions? 23"Where Scholars Are Prepared to Be LEADERS"