Close Reading Becoming an engaged reader. Close readers… Look beyond the plot for deeper layers of meaning The three layers of reading are: Reading on.


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Presentation transcript:

Close Reading Becoming an engaged reader

Close readers… Look beyond the plot for deeper layers of meaning The three layers of reading are: Reading on the lines (literal) Reading between the lines (inferential) Reading beyond the lines (evaluative)

The First Level Readers find meaning that is found directly in the text : you can literally put a finger in the reading and point to the answer Answers questions, "Who, What, When, and Where?” What is a level one question from Catcher in the Rye?

The Second Level Readers interpret what is in the text Readers reason, compare and contrast, classify, analyze Readers look for what passages represent or suggest The exact answer cannot be found directly in the text: the answer is between the lines What is a good second level question from Catcher in the Rye?

The Third Level The third level is super abstract. The answers are found beyond the lines. Readers move beyond the text to connect to universal meaning. Key questions include, “Why is this important?” “How does this text connect with my life? Can you think of a third level question from Catcher in the Rye?